Robert Downey Jr.
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Astrology Today
Robert's chart wheel

Robert Downey Jr.

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, New York, United States 40°42'N, 74°00'W

Forecast : 9th September 2021 to 8th September 2022

Robert Downey Jr.

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, New York, United States 40°42'N, 74°00'W

All times based on current location of New York, United States

Jump to Planetary Positions

Star Potential – Q&A Forecast

Answers to your key questions. Gain a deeper understanding of dealing with a series of events. Overcome obstacles and make the most of the outcome.

Three questions and answers relate to each event and provide further helpful insight into understanding–and making the most of – what is taking place.

It is widely accepted and understood that the positioning of planets acts as a 'heavenly blueprint.' In other words, what occurs on Earth is represented above.

Your Star Potential – Q&A Forecast explains the planetary connections affecting your Vitality (Sun), Healing (Chiron), Development (North Node), and Instincts (South Node).

Due to the regular orbit of the planets, your reading reveals the precise timing of trends and events.

Planetary movement (Transits) affects your birth chart and reveals significant variations of each planet's influence.

Long Term Trends & Events

Slower moving events explained in detail.

Healing - Chiron
Chiron is a comet with a unique astrological meaning. It represents the deep sources of pain, suffering, and wounding we experience during our lifetime.

But it also represents our ability to heal ourselves – and others - through sometimes challenging experiences. Discover how you can learn and draw strength from yours.

Month By Month Forecasts

Vitality - Sun
In your birth chart, the Sun represents what you want from life – and, depending on the sign the Sun occupies, how you are likely to achieve it.

Sun Keywords: Children, hearts, laughter, light bulbs, lions, pomp, popularity, pride, prosperity, royalty, spotlights, stardom, and Sunday.

The Lunar Nodes
Development - North Node
You have a specific purpose in life - your destiny. For thousands of years, people have used the North Star to guide them with their travels. So likewise, the North Node helps you towards achieving your full potential during this lifetime.

The journey is not easy because it always involves removal from a comfort zone. But you will arrive eventually as the person you were destined to become, what you were destined to achieve, or both.

Discover more about your North Node and the destiny you are steered toward.

Instincts - South Node
While the North Node involves removing you from a comfort zone to achieve your destiny, the South Node creates a comfort zone. It represents the lessons, experience, and wisdom we bring from past lifetimes.

Suppose you sense that you've 'been there, done that in the past, then you probably have. But the South Node provides a comfortable sense of belonging to help you move forward with achieving your destiny.

Discover how your South Node influences your future - and more.

Your Transit Calendar

Long Term Trends & Events

Healing - Chiron
Chiron is a comet with a unique astrological meaning. It represents the deep sources of pain, suffering, and wounding we experience during our lifetime.

But it also represents our ability to heal ourselves – and others - through sometimes challenging experiences. Discover how you can learn and draw strength from yours.

April 9th 2022 onwards to May 16th 2022

Empathy and sympathy

Transiting Chiron Trines your natal Ascendant

Your ability to summon empathy and sympathy toward others is heightened wonderfully now. It's by being seen as a trusted confidante and encouraging open, two-way communication that you can help others to deal with wounds from their past - and learn a thing or two about dealing with your own.

Should I encourage conversations or wait for others to come to me?

If your intuition tells you there are benefits to instigating any exchanges sensitively, then trust it. But you can be certain that anyone who comes to you will be doing so because they genuinely want your advice.

But what if the advice I offer others is suitable for me and unsuitable for them?

The key to offering the best or most appropriate advice involves listening in the first instance. The more you listen, the stronger the vibe of trust you'll emit.

What if others don't take the advice I offer?

That's something you have no control over. But anyone who does take on board your suggestions is likely to find they heal an emotional wound by doing so.

April 25th 2022 onwards to June 9th 2022

Achieving balance gradually

Transiting Chiron Conjuncts your natal Sun

You could go to greater lengths than are necessary to create harmony and balance you crave. Move forward gradually to create the stability you need. This approach is integral to putting any past hurts or disappointments behind you that arose from trying too hard or applying excessive effort.

If I'm prepared to go to unnecessary lengths to create harmony and balance, then is that not reflective of how chaotic or volatile something is in my world?

You could have an inflated or exaggerated view of how chaotic or volatile it really is.

Is it possible that my determination to apply excessive effort is because I need an immediate result?

You might believe you need one, but an immediate result isn't necessary. A more far-reaching result will come from tackling and resolving the matter gradually.

What if I'm somebody who believes it's better to do too much of something than too little?

Then a helpful discovery could be in store regarding wastage!

May 9th 2022 onwards to September 30th 2022


Embrace what's unfamiliar

Transiting Chiron Retrograde Sextiles your natal North Node

It's by venturing into new territory that you can see for yourself how adept you are at handling unfamiliar situations or scenarios. Of course, you'll have to step outside of a comfort zone for this to happen. This may have been created to protect you from something upsetting or painful from your past. However, to experience something deeply satisfying, be willing to take one, brave step that makes you a tiny bit uncomfortable.

What if I'm somebody who feels uneasy about venturing into new territory?

You're encouraged to remove yourself for a very good - and timely - reason.

But if this comfort zone exists because it protects me from something painful from my past, then do I have something unpleasant coming my way?

That's unlikely. What you experience is probably going to be more revealing and reassuring.

How is it that something painful or upsetting is now a source of comfort or reassuring?

Because you're older, wiser, and stronger. You're able to learn from whatever occurred previously now in ways you couldn't before.

May 9th 2022 onwards to September 30th 2022


Timely acceptance

Transiting Chiron Retrograde Trines your natal South Node

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into the recesses of your mind and vowed never to look at again. However, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today

If I've struggled to accept something from my past already, then why might this be easier now?

You're dealing with very different circumstances now. You might also be able to see the reward that comes from doing so.

But if I've drawn comfort from storing something unpleasant in the recesses of my mind, then isn't that wise?

It may have provided short-term relief, but it's not wise. If anything, it hampers the valuable lesson waiting to be discovered.

Can I expect my confidence to be boosted as a result of the lesson I learn or discover?

Absolutely. That's one of several benefits of confronting and accepting something from your past now.

Forecast for 9th September to 30th September 2021

Thursday 9th September

Prepare for a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 9th to 12th September 2021. Exact 11th September

You're about to experience a moment of clarity. Trust that you feel what you feel because, in more than one way, you're steered toward the attainment of a cherished personal goal. So, embrace the revelation. When it arrives, you'll know precisely why it is right - and what your next move must be.

Will this moment of clarity arrive suddenly?

Probably, as most do.

Has this epiphany been some time in the making?

It's likely, and that's what might make it more powerful when it arrives.

Will I experience other sudden moments of clarity?

That, too, is likely. For now, focus on the one demanding attention presently.

Friday 10th September

Problems with past pain

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Chiron from 10th to 13th September 2021. Exact 12th September

You're likely allowing a past hurt or disappointment to blur your vision of future possibilities. This could cause you to accept defeat with something that could have become delightful if you put in the time or effort to see if it was worth fighting for. Cease nurturing any past pain in the belief it's helping you see current and future circumstances realistically or objectively. It isn't.

But what if I don't have the strength to fight for what's supposedly worth fighting for?

That's probably a symptom of you convincing yourself you don't have the strength.

But if I'm nurturing any past pain, then presumably, it's because I don't want to experience it again?

That's a natural reaction. But it's not a helpful one where your current circumstances are concerned.

But will seeing something realistically or objectively in my current circumstances also be painful or upsetting?

If you're willing to open your mind to possibilities, then you're likely to find it very enlightening, comforting, and inspiring.

Also on Friday

Push aside passion

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 10th to 12th September 2021. Exact 11th September

Is there an invisible clock ticking away somewhere that makes you feel you're under unnecessary pressure? It's fair to say you have strong feelings about a situation or an individual. Powerful passions often create confusion. Do your very best to push aside passion for the time being. What's needed is clarity, and if you allow it to come, then it will. Once it does, you'll be better placed to trust a new level of understanding and act on it wisely, not hastily.

Are my strong feelings toward somebody positive or negative?

They're likely to be positive, but the passion you feel must be harnessed positively.

How long will it take for clarity to arrive?

That depends on how open-minded and receptive you are to receiving it.

If I feel I must take action hastily, then is that reflective of how passionately I feel about the step I'm taking?

Possibly. But it could have just as much to do with you rushing into action only to see if you can accelerate a particular process. This needs patience applied to it, not impetuousness.

September 13th to 14th 2021

Wiser and stronger

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. However, by summoning the courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it, and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now.

Is it possible that my inability to connect properly with the past to bring healing is due to an episode that was painful or upsetting?

It's possible. But that's where the bit about courage comes in. Any discomfort you feel is likely to be brief.

Is courage required to accept my role in whatever occurred?

Yes, courage is required, along with a healthy dose of realism.

Am I about to make sense of something that hasn't made sense for a long time?

That appears to be the case. It's this enlightenment that will make healing whatever occurred previously, possible.

Thursday 16th September

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 16th to 19th September 2021. Exact 18th September

Do you own a deerstalker hat, Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? You need to become a sleuth of some kind. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of the dangers of being too impulsive - or assumptive - now. Once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, expect to find yourself surprised at and possibly delighted with what you discover.

So my mission now is to replace assumptions with facts?


But how will I know if I'm dealing with facts and not something flimsy or fictitious?

Any facts you identify or establish will feel undeniably right or accurate. Just be prepared to do some digging.

So will I be the one who benefits most from this fact-finding exercise?


September 18th to 20th 2021

Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when retrograde from 21st to 24th September 2021. Exact 23rd September

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

September 19th to 22nd 2021


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

September 19th to 22nd 2021


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

Forecast for October 2021

Sunday 3rd October

Is it worth the effort?

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Venus from 3rd to 6th October 2021. Exact 5th October

If you're experiencing stress or tension with your relationship with a certain person, then consider if you're secretly enjoying the exhausting exchange or possibly forced in some way to have it. It's wonderful to want something or someone so badly, but at what price? It's time to decide if all you have to go through and tolerate to get it or them really is worth the effort.

If I'm enjoying stress or tension, then is that because I believe I have the upper hand in some way?

Not necessarily. Any enjoyment on your part could be due to you sensing that something is finally changing in a way you wanted it to for some time.

But if I want something or someone so badly, then should I be unconcerned about the 'price' involved?

You could be at risk of wanting something or someone so badly that you are unconcerned about it. But that could also mean that you find the 'chase' more thrilling than the 'catch.'

But if I genuinely want something or someone, then shouldn't I wait until I achieve it or them before I decide if the effort invested was worth it?

You're encouraged to assess how and why you're investing effort in the ways you are. If you're prepared to be a bit more realistic, then you could find your effort will produce better results elsewhere.

Monday 4th October

Turning heads

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th October 2021. Exact 6th October

If you're not already aware of how engaging and attractive your personality is becoming, then you will do shortly. You're blessed with confidence mixed with strong powers of attraction in other ways, and these could include outgoingness and an enviable sense of light-heartedness. Be yourself and allow the real you to shine confidently. You're turning heads for all of the right reasons!

Is there a particular quality that I emit now that others will find especially attractive?

They're likely several qualities you admit that could be alluring. You could possess a certain level of intensity, creativity, leadership qualities, and light-heartedness. Put all these together, and you're irresistible!

But if I'm encouraged to be myself, does that mean I've been phony or insincere until now?

No. But you can be certain that the new level of authenticity you emit won't go unnoticed.

Is it only in a romantic or relationship capacity that others might find me attractive?

How you choose to apply your powers of attraction is up to you.

Tuesday 5th October

Let it go

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Sun from 5th to 8th October 2021. Exact 7th October

It's possible to rewrite rules and redefine arrangements. Is this a lengthy, time-consuming process requiring you to summon patience, unlike anything you've had to muster before? Not at all. You have had enough of a silly drama or ongoing battle. As soon as you let something end, you will discover that it resolves itself with little intervention from you. This allows you to get on with something far more productive and enjoyable.

Is it fair to say I'm taking the initiative to bring the change that is needed?

That's likely. But you will discover that you don't need to invest as much effort as you believe you will.

Am I encouraged to release my grasp of something I'm determined to control?

Absolutely correct.

By releasing my grasp, does that mean I'm freeing up time and space to pursue something more productive and enjoyable?

That's precisely what you'll do.

October 5th to 6th 2021


Wiser and stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 14th to 16th October 2021. Exact 15th October

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. However, by summoning the courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it, and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now.

Is it possible that my inability to connect properly with the past to bring healing is due to an episode that was painful or upsetting?

It's possible. But that's where the bit about courage comes in. Any discomfort you feel is likely to be brief.

Is courage required to accept my role in whatever occurred?

Yes, courage is required, along with a healthy dose of realism.

Am I about to make sense of something that hasn't made sense for a long time?

That appears to be the case. It's this enlightenment that will make healing whatever occurred previously, possible.

Wednesday 6th October

Rise to the challenge

Transiting Sun Trines your natal North Node from 6th to 9th October 2021. Exact 8th October

Even if your life goes off on a tangent, you're creative and resourceful enough to cope with unexpected developments. You could find yourself considering your ability to go with such a flow now. However, even if what you're faced is a challenge, you might need to do more than simply roll with it. It can teach you much about yourself and what you're made of.

If my life is due to go off on a tangent in some way, then does that mean I must brace myself for something upsetting?

Not necessarily. You will probably find whatever occurs to be more of a problem if you try to resist or steer it. Relax and let the benefits of what's happening to make themselves known.

Won't I be at risk of making an issue more complicated or stressful by doing so?

Once you dip into your reserves of creativity and resourcefulness, you'll soon feel reassured of your ability to cope.

Am I likely to learn a lesson that I'll be able to apply in the future?

That is very much what this process intends to help you to do.

Also on Wednesday

Something positive

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal South Node from 6th to 9th October 2021. Exact 8th October

See the proverbial glass as half full instead of half empty, and any circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. Make both your cosmic mission now!

What if I feel any negativity is justified?

Then you need to distinguish between cautiousness and negativity. There is a difference.

How will I identify the best ways for me to develop or grow?

You're probably aware of what you need to learn or could benefit from learning. Don't rule out the appropriateness of the old saying, 'when the pupil's ready, the teacher appears.'

Is it possible that I could help others to grow or progress similarly?

Absolutely. But focus on your own self-improvement first.

October 8th to 10th 2021


Cross the line

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when direct from 13th to 14th October 2021. Exact 14th October

You might feel more comfortable with yourself and the extent to which you allow yourself to form connections with others. This involves letting go of the past and moving forward. An important and potentially difficult lesson might need to be learned. However, embracing the spirit of partnership and helping someone to face their past and live in the present is a first, essential step to making you more receptive to crossing a line you've been determined to remain behind.

If I let go of the past, will the potentially difficult lesson that I must learn be made easier?

It will. That's why you must release yourself from whatever keeps you tethered to the present.

What if I'm somebody who prefers to do things on my own instead of in partnership with someone else?

It's by helping somebody to release themselves from their past in the same way you did that a partnership can form or flourish.

If doing so helps me to cross a line that I've been determined to remain behind, then does that mean I will learn something of value?

You will indeed learn something of value from this process.

Tuesday 12th October

Trying to do the impossible

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mercury from 12th to 15th October 2021. Exact 14th October

As wonderful as it is to be ambitious and undeterred by what appears impossible, we all reach a point where it becomes clear we're wasting valuable time pursuing what cannot be achieved. That could sum up a situation in your world now. It's likely to become clear, very soon, that you need to think carefully about what – or whom - you invest your time and energy toward. The indications are there that both could be put to much better and more effective use elsewhere!

Does this mean I'm wasting my time in some way?

You're not wasting your time if you've learned a valuable lesson about how and where you should focus effort elsewhere.

But is it worth continuing to invest effort a little bit longer in something that may not produce immediate results?

Yes. Don't stop applying effort to something that your heart tells you is worth investing in. But you might need to allocate a bit toward something else that needs and deserves it.

But if I invest effort in more than one area, am I at risk of spreading myself too thinly?

Only you can decide. Allow your heart to create a priority list!

October 20th to 23th 2021

Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when retrograde from 29th to 31st October 2021. Exact 30th October

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

October 22nd to 25th 2021

Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when retrograde from 28th to 30th October 2021. Exact 29th October

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

October 22nd to 25th 2021

Properly armed

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when retrograde from 28th to 30th October 2021. Exact 29th October

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

Sunday 24th October

Win/win situation

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th October 2021. Exact 26th October

You're likely to see how vehemently a certain person clings to an ambition or aspiration. They, in turn, could see how much belief you have in one of yours. A clash is likely, but clashes are sometimes necessary. They help us to reach agreements we might not have reached otherwise. Flexibility and compromise are essential if progress is to be made now.

Is it fair to say that this shared ambitiousness can be combined?

Absolutely, once you and somebody agree on the best way to harness it.

Is an agreement likely to be temporary or permanent?

It could be both. It may be helpful in the first instance to take a shared plan down a particular avenue. This can become permanent if it creates solid foundations for this plan to be built upon in the future.

If I'm flexible and willing to compromise, then will I have to push for someone else to be the same?

That should be unnecessary. But be willing to take the lead in that respect.

Sunday 31st October

Flexible and spontaneous

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 31st October 2021 to 3rd November 2021. Exact 2nd November

Don't view a change to an arrangement or situation you believed to be unchangeable as a setback or potential problem. See it instead as a gift. An important goal is within reach. Have faith in the fact that you're helped to achieve it, but the journey might have one or two pit stops along the way that you hadn't or couldn't have accounted for. The more willing you are to be spontaneous and flexible, the more you'll enjoy this particular ride.

What if I'm not able to see something inflexible or a setback in a positive light?

On the face of it, it might be difficult to do. But once you're aware of how it helps you to stop and take stock of a situation, then you will find it helpful.

Does this mean I haven't planned something properly?

No, it means that life throws the occasional curveball that can actually be helpful at times instead of seen as problematic.

By being spontaneous and flexible, am I at risk of leaving myself open for a disappointing development?

No. You're putting yourself in an advantageous position by viewing current circumstances with a very open and receptive mind.

Forecast for November 2021

Monday 1st November

A turning point

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th November 2021. Exact 3rd November

You could be increasingly aware of how you may have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt able to accept. It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also essential that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

But if I rejected something or someone in the past, then presumably, it was for a good reason?

It may have been appropriate or valid in the past, but current circumstances make it worth revisiting.

If I've reached a turning point of some kind, then does that mean this process has been ongoing for some time?

That's very likely.

Will I emerge victorious from a discussion or an exchange?

Victorious is unlikely to be the right word, but you will emerge feeling as if progress has been made or a solid foundation has been put in place.

Tuesday 2nd November

From chaos stability will come

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th November 2021. Exact 4th November

Some people thrive on chaos. It spurs them on to make impressive achievements. Other people avoid chaos wherever possible. They need structured and predictable environments. You want something to be more efficient, stable, and structured but are probably painfully aware of all that seems chaotic or unpredictable. Expect soon to enjoy a more stable and less volatile situation.

Is all that's chaotic or unpredictable due to a change I instigated?

That's difficult to say. But it appears as if you're dealing with two of the main symptoms of change.

Will stability be the result of my actions or happen naturally?

You'll probably find that circumstances calm down to the point where you can control or manage them effectively.

Will I be able to put in place some level of structure to prevent chaos from happening in the future?

There's a valuable lesson within what's occurring now to help you to do precisely that.

Thursday 4th November

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th November 2021. Exact 6th November

Are you in control of a particular outcome, or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'? Have faith in the fact that you possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible. It is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you.

What if all I see is a situation that isn't in any way flexible?

You may have convinced yourself that's the case. Try looking a bit more closely and with a bit more faith.

If I haven't overcome this fear previously, then might there be a good reason for that?

Yes - probably because you've been afraid to take the step to do so.

How is it I'm able to gain control of this situation now whereas I couldn't previously?

You probably could previously. But you are supported now to take a step that you feel you're able to take that you couldn't in the past.

Also on Thursday

More enticing

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 4th to 6th November 2021. Exact 5th November

Consider how, due to ways you project yourself to others - or a particular person - you could push away someone you ought to be closer with. Does appearance mean less to you than it once did, and might you be seen in a self-defeating way? Give thought to new ways to present yourself more enticingly. It might be time for an inspiring upgrade.

But what if I'm comfortable with the way I project or convey myself?

That's fine - but be aware of how you might create distance from others or someone in particular by doing so.

Does this mean I care less about my appearance?

Not necessarily, but it might appear that way.

Am I supposed to reinvent how I appear to others?

It's worth considering, but not in a way that's intended to appease others. If you introduce a change that feels right to you in the first instance, then you could find others connect with and admire it too.

November 8th to 10th 2021


Wiser and stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 11th to 13th November 2021. Exact 13th November

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. However, by summoning the courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it, and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now.

Is it possible that my inability to connect properly with the past to bring healing is due to an episode that was painful or upsetting?

It's possible. But that's where the bit about courage comes in. Any discomfort you feel is likely to be brief.

Is courage required to accept my role in whatever occurred?

Yes, courage is required, along with a healthy dose of realism.

Am I about to make sense of something that hasn't made sense for a long time?

That appears to be the case. It's this enlightenment that will make healing whatever occurred previously, possible.

Tuesday 9th November

Success from self-improvement

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Moon from 9th to 12th November 2021. Exact 11th November

Rather than lay down laws or bang fists on a table to make clear to a certain person that you've had enough of a tiring scenario, adopt a cleverer, more permanent strategy. Be subtle, even if you feel like being anything but subtle. Instead of investing effort toward pushing a point or even waging war, invest effort toward understanding yourself better. Look closely at what your weaknesses are, and what's required from you to be a better and more understanding person.

What if I sound like I'm laying down laws even if I don't intend to?

That could be caused by frustration underpinning your words. Try to keep it at bay.

What if I feel it's necessary to push a point or instigate something confrontational if that's the only way I'll be understood?

Then it's likely you'll be offering an apology later.

Am I likely to learn something valuable by looking inward to understand myself better?

That's what this process intends to do. You're likely to be grateful for the insights you receive.

Also on Tuesday

Action brings a reaction

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 9th to 12th November 2021. Exact 11th November

If we aim at nothing, then we're guaranteed to hit it. So, tell - and convince - yourself that certain goals, dreams, or desires are not beyond your grasp. If you're willing to make a genuine effort to attain something – or someone – that means a great deal to you, then the time to pursue it or them couldn't be better. Investing the right kind of effort will bring pleasing and potentially magical progress.

What if I'm convincing myself about a goal that isn't achievable or attainable?

Trust your instincts. They are very unlikely to let you down in that respect.

What if I have pursued this aspiration before and failed?

That was then; this is now. You're dealing with different circumstances - and a very different mindset - this time.

How will I know if I'm investing the right level of effort?

As long as enough faith underpins your actions, a pleasing result is assured.

Wednesday 10th November

Love you've dreamed of

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Chiron from 10th to 12th November 2021. Exact 11th November

You could adopt more of an open mind to relationships and commitments. You know someone deserves your love, and hopefully, you're with such a person. If so, then you could feel willing to cross a line of commitment that you've chosen to remain behind. If you're single, then you deserve to be fussy about who you choose to give your heart to!

Is there a reason why I may have had less of an open mind toward relationships and commitments until now?

This could be due to experiencing something painful or upsetting in the past that has formed your opinion.

But if I'm willing to go to a new depth of commitment, does that mean someone will be willing to do the same?

That may not be apparent instantly. If you sent out an unambiguous message until now that there is a line you're not prepared to go beyond, then you may have to work hard briefly to reassure others or someone in particular that the line no longer applies.

Is there a reason why I'm adopting a new level of receptiveness toward forming or strengthening a connection?

It's possible that the comfort zone you created for yourself isn't as appropriate now as it has been in the past. You deserve to be more open-minded and experimental where connecting with others is concerned. Allow yourself to be drawn to any unexplored relationship territory.

Tuesday 16th November

Avoid going to extremes

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Jupiter from 16th to 19th November 2021. Exact 18th November

Do you need a telephone box to get changed in? Or is your superhero suit something you wear beneath clothing to save the day at a second's notice? You could believe you're superhuman and inclined to respond to cries for help from certain quarters or a particular person. Some might be genuine, but be assured that some of them are not. You must accept your limitations. It's not your responsibility to go to great lengths to prove a point or yourself in some way.

What if it's in my nature to assist or support others?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with assisting or supporting others. But you're encouraged now to accept there are limits to the extent to which you can do so.

How will I be able to separate requests that are genuine from those that aren't?

Trust your instincts. They certainly won't fail you now in that respect.

Is it fair to say I'm putting too much emphasis on others' needs?

Yes - and possibly to the detriment of your own.

November 18th to 19th 2021

Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Ascendant

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

November 19th to 20th 2021

Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

November 19th to 20th 2021

Properly armed

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

November 20th to 22nd 2021

Call to action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when retrograde from 30th November 2021 to 1st December 2021. Exact 1st December

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

Tuesday 30th November

Calm after the storm

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 30th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021. Exact 2nd December

A storm is undoubtedly brewing, but it's one that you're prepared for. You needn't be concerned about its strength or any likelihood of being blown off course. Expect, once the proverbial skies clear, to see how safer and stronger you are. You're about to see reasons why you don't have to be everywhere at once or go to great lengths to please or placate those who demand you should.
The one person who deserves effort you're prepared to give to please them is you.

Does this mean I have a wave of uncomfortable change about to enter my world?

Change is coming, but it needn't be uncomfortable if you draw upon the way you knew it was coming!

Is it fair to say I'm about to focus more on my needs - but might I appear selfish?

Your needs are about to be given a necessary level of attention, but the truth is, you're not selfish by doing so.

Am I encouraging others to think or fend for themselves in some way?

That definitely forms part of the process. The other part involves you addressing needs that may have been overlooked for some time.

Forecast for December 2021

Wednesday 1st December

Push comes to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th December 2021. Exact 3rd December

Somewhere, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' You can wait and see what happens when these two collide. But it's important to see the signs, 'smell the coffee,' or and read writing on the proverbial wall. You can alleviate potential stress by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur. You can do it, and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you are.

So it's fair to say this isn't a time to simply 'go with the flow' then?

No. It's time to take the initiative in a way that will reassure and potentially delight you.

Will I regret doing nothing?

That's likely, especially if it becomes clear that you held influence you didn't apply to what's occurring.

Is it fair that I should do this alone, or should I request help?

You're capable of doing what needs to be done without assistance. This will reassure you and possibly others of how influential you can be when you take the initiative.

December 2nd to 4th 2021


Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when direct from 16th to 18th December 2021. Exact 17th December

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

Also on Thursday

Welcome boost

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 2nd to 5th December 2021. Exact 4th December

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful to receive, but not when the recipient isn't interested in empty gestures. What you want is someone to be more consistently sweeter toward you. You want love you can depend on, and, fortunately, you're closer to attaining that than you might think. And as for your bank balance? It, too, looks set to receive a welcome boost!

Is somebody likely to see me as ungrateful or unappreciative?

That depends on how you respond to them. Concealing your disappointment at the lack of depth attached to the way they connect with you doesn't help either of you.

Will they experience a moment of clarity regarding my needs, or will I put them in the picture?

A welcome change could involve a combination of both.

Is there a connection between my love life and bank balance?

That's unlikely to be the case, but you have tremendous support bringing an abundance of energy and activity into both areas at this time.

Also on Thursday

Necessary pressure

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 2nd to 4th December 2021. Exact 3rd December

You're clearly under pressure in some way to take action or make a decision. But you must be pressured in the way you are because otherwise you won't make the decision or move you need to make. You have a difficult dispute to solve or a complicated story to unravel. But trust that the opportunity presented to you now is very real.

But am I at risk of making a wrong decision due to feeling pressured?

This kind of pressure can be helpful if you don't make any decisions or act hastily.

So is it fair to say that once I unravel a mystery, an opportunity will be seen clearly?

That's very likely.

Will I know how to seize this opportunity once it becomes clear?

Much depends on what you reveal or discover with your 'detective work.' That will provide you with essential information to take a necessary and timely step forward.

December 2nd to 3rd 2021


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when direct from 17th to 18th December 2021. Exact 18th December

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

December 2nd to 3rd 2021


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when direct from 17th to 18th December 2021. Exact 18th December

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

Friday 3rd December

Power of attraction

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 3rd to 6th December 2021. Exact 5th December

To make progress in an area of your world, you don't need to apply harsh or aggressive tactics. Simply be yourself. Treat those you want to be closer to you in ways you would want to be treated, and you could be surprised at how easily it is to win friends or influence certain people.

Is it possible that others see my passionate approach as harsh or aggressive?

That could be the case. It would be helpful to be honest with yourself to confirm if you are applying any over-the-top energy.

Is there a chance I might appear phony or insincere to anybody?

That's probably unlikely, but others could sense that a barrier exists to connect with 'the real you.'

But if I reveal 'the real me' to others, will they do the same with me?

It will be up to them to drop their personal barrier, but the authenticity you project or convey will help them to do so.

Saturday 4th December

Storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th December 2021. Exact 6th December

An annoying point of conflict is likely making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored. You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

Does the fact that this matter demands attention mean I'm not taking it seriously enough?

Although you might take the matter seriously, there could also be an inclination on your part to conceal it or sweep it under the carpet. Both may have been options recently, but they aren't options now.

But if it's a serious matter, then shouldn't I give it my full attention?

A closer examination could reveal that it's not as serious as it appears to be. The amount of attention you give needs to be in proportion to its seriousness.

Does this mean I see something in an exaggerated or inflated way?

That is likely.

Also on Saturday

Minor becomes significant

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 4th to 7th December 2021. Exact 6th December

Power and control you have yearned for are making their way to you. Before you can receive both properly, you need to accept what it is you have on offer: an opportunity. You can turn something seemingly minor into something very significant. When you see evidence of this, you can expect a noticeable boost to your confidence and optimism.

So I must focus the power and control in a specific way?

Yes, but you probably won't struggle to identify the opportunity that begs for both.

Am I at risk of not seeing the opportunity within what appears minor or insignificant?

You're likely to be aware of a nugget of inspiration that can transform into something offering massive potential.

With my confidence and optimism boosted, should I keep this momentum going?

You would be crazy not to!

Sunday 5th December

Free From painful patterns

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal North Node from 5th to 8th December 2021. Exact 7th December

Cast your mind back to any happy, comfortable circumstances you've enjoyed or are hopefully enjoying now. These are happy and comfortable because you managed to free yourself from old, familiar, and potentially painful patterns. You did it previously. You can do it again.

What if the happiness and comfort I feel now is the result of a painful process to attain both?

Don't overlook the fact that happiness and comfort are available to you. That makes the process worth it.

What if a pattern might be painful but also provides me with some level of comfort?

Then think about how much more comfort you'd experience if you acknowledged and released yourself from the pain.

What if the process of releasing myself this time is considerably more painful than it was last time?

Then it's likely the reward will be even greater.

Also on Sunday

Accepting uniqueness

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal South Node from 5th to 8th December 2021. Exact 7th December

Looking closely at your current circumstances could reveal where you're slipping into the same comfortable and easy patterns. Be willing to spot where you might be re-creating the same situations again. A new chapter relies strongly on you accepting your circumstances as unique and not make comparisons to the past.

But what if I prefer comfortable and easy patterns in my life?

There's nothing wrong with them. But it is essential to remove yourself from a comfort zone now and again if you're going to achieve your potential.

So is it okay if I continue to do something habitually?

Be honest about your reasons for doing so. Be particularly honest about whether your reasons stem from fear in any way.

Should I, therefore, focus on what's unique within my circumstances rather than what's comfortable?

It's the unique qualities your circumstances offer that can take what has become predictable to a very new and potentially thrilling level.

Thursday 9th December

Don't kid yourself

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Chiron from 9th to 12th December 2021. Exact 11th December

You may need to address a belief that any commitment should be short-lived because it offers a cleaner break when it ends. This attitude might have been formed due to painful or upsetting episodes that occurred in the past. However, don't kid yourself by believing you're immune to the joy that comes from assessing new ways to make long-term commitments or relationships work.

What if I derive comfort from keeping commitments at a particular depth?

As comfortable as that may be, it prevents you from experiencing something more stable or profound by dropping that barrier.

But if I allow commitments to go beyond a certain depth, then am I setting myself up for something upsetting or painful?

Try not to focus so intently on the past being a guideline for the future. You have experience-based wisdom to draw upon now that you didn't have previously.

Will I find anyone receptive to my efforts to deepen a connection?

Perhaps not immediately, but a consistent, heartfelt effort will bring results.

Saturday 11th December

Confidence brings support

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 13th December 2021. Exact 12th December

Why do you feel answerable to so many people? Why do these people seem incapable of sharing your view, position, or plan at face value? Why isn't something as obvious to others as it is to you? So, assert yourself and be less conciliatory. The time has come for you not to give in so easily or be quite as willing to placate certain others – or someone in particular.

That sounds like bossiness - what if I'm not inclined to be abrupt or assertive?

It's possible to stand your ground or put your foot down without being bolshy or confrontational. What matters is, you make your stance or position clear to at least one person.

And behaving in such a way will encourage others to react positively?

As long as you get the balance right between confidence and assertiveness, then you're likely to find they will.

Do I need to get a bit angry to help anyone see what I see in a situation?

Anger needn't play any part in discussions or exchanges. It will serve only to increase others' defensiveness. What they will admire and respect is your passion, but it needs to be applied sensitively.

December 18th to 19th 2021

Call to action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

December 22nd to 23th 2021

Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when retrograde from 29th to 31st December 2021. Exact 31st December

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Thursday 23th December

No shrinking violets

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 25th December 2021. Exact 25th December

You're well placed to receive praise and recognition, and this can spur you on to want to achieve more. If you're willing to back up words with action, then some form of personal success is assured.
This is a time to make clear to certain others - or one person in particular - what you truly want. Don't be a shrinking violet. Aim high, and you'll be delighted with the responses you receive.

Has any praise or recognition coming my way been a long time in the making?

That's difficult to say. But be assured that your intelligence has played a part in receiving either or both.

If I must back up words with action, then does that mean others don't have faith in what I say?

That's unlikely to be the case, but your results will likely speak for themselves.

If something is important to me, then why must I convey this to others?

Making others aware of an ambitious plan could help to bring the support you may need at some point, but it also encourages you to 'put your money where your mouth is.'

Wednesday 29th December

Harnessing power

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 29th December 2021 to 1st January 2022. Exact 31st December

Trust that the energy available to you now is extremely positive and is intended to help. You have, at your disposal, the ability to repair much of what needs repairing as far as relationships, situations, and arrangements are concerned. The more constructively you use the power and influence available to you now, the more of both you will discover you have available to you.

How will I know if I focus my energy positively or constructively?

You're likely to find that bringing pleasing or reassuring results requires considerably less effort than you're used to investing. That will probably be the first clue that you're applying it helpfully.

But if I am to improve my connection or relationship with others, then shouldn't they meet me halfway where the effort required to do so is concerned?

That can happen. But it could be the undeniable passion that you bring to whatever you apply energy to that encourages anyone to meet you halfway.

Am I at risk of applying too much energy if I have such an abundance or a seemingly infinite supply available to me?

There's no doubt that applying your energy will require restraint or self-discipline. But there will be something reassuring about discovering how you can take strides instead of steps where you want to take them.

Friday 31st December

Trusting instincts

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 31st December 2021 to 3rd January 2022. Exact 2nd January 2022

Trust your deepest instinct in the absence of factual information. Take at face value to a point what you see or are encouraged to accept is real. Progress will be made if you're willing to trust what you tell yourself. Do that, and then pursue the decision that needs to be made with all your heart.

What if I've trusted my instincts in the past where a lack of factual information was concerned and regretted doing so?

Then it's possible you allowed your head to have too loud a voice.

I seem to be encouraged to trust more what I feel than what I see - is this wise?

Your eyes will often deceive you. That's why you mustn't trust them implicitly now. Your heart will always tell you the truth. Trust that.

How will I know if I'm setting off in the right direction?

Whatever feels right, is right. As long as your actions are underpinned with honesty and plenty of faith, you can trust you're setting off in the right direction.

Also on Friday

Worth celebrating

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 31st December 2021 to 2nd January 2022. Exact 1st January 2022

You could be increasingly aware of how you may have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt able to accept. It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also essential that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

But if I rejected something or someone in the past, then presumably, it was for a good reason?

It may have been appropriate or valid in the past, but current circumstances make it worth revisiting.

If I've reached a turning point of some kind, then does that mean this process has been ongoing for some time?

That's very likely.

Will I emerge victorious from a discussion or an exchange?

'Victorious' is unlikely to be the right word, but you will emerge feeling as if progress has been made or a solid foundation has been put in place.

Forecast for January 2022

Saturday 1st January

Time brings improvement

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 1st to 4th January 2022. Exact 3rd January

There is something or someone you feel attracted to, intrigued by, and excited about. Banishing this thought could be futile. However, you can afford to wait until you're in a better position to make a move. Have faith in the fact that a situation will improve naturally over time. Have even more faith in the fact that, soon, you can expect proof of how desired by at least one person you are.

But if something or someone has captured my imagination, then shouldn't I strike now rather than later?

A bit of patience or restraint applied now will be something you'll be grateful for later.

But is it not in my best interest to try and steer this situation to a desired outcome rather than leave it alone to do so?

You are part of this process. There are other aspects involved within it. Do your bit by not reacting hastily.

How long will it take before I see how desired I am by others or someone in particular?

That depends on how much patience you can summon and faith you can master toward the fact that the universe has your back at this time.

Sunday 2nd January

Time to take control

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th January 2022. Exact 4th January

Are you in control of a particular outcome, or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'? Have faith in the fact that you possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible. It is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you.

What if all I see is a situation that isn't in any way flexible?

You may have convinced yourself that's the case. Try looking a bit more closely and with a bit more faith.

If I haven't overcome this fear previously, then might there be a good reason for that?

Yes - probably because you've been afraid to take the step to do so.

How is it I'm able to gain control of this situation now whereas I couldn't previously?

You probably could previously. But you are supported now to take a step that you feel you're able to take that you couldn't in the past.

Monday 3rd January

Assume all will be well

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 3rd to 5th January 2022. Exact 4th January

Fear, trepidation, or a confidence crisis could cause you to miss a wonderful opportunity presenting itself. Don't convince yourself that, by paying close attention to what you believe could go wrong, you're protecting yourself. Assume all will be well, act as if all will be well, and you will discover, to your delight, that all will be well.

Is it possible that I'm dealing with a case of 'once bitten, twice shy'?

It is possible, but you could focus too intently on what occurred previously and make that too much of a benchmark for your future.

By applying focus to what occurred, am I not eliminating any chance of it happening again?

There's bound to be a valuable lesson contained within a past episode. But the more you continue to look backward, the more you not only miss opportunities available in the present but those that form part of a much bigger, inspiring picture.

What if I discover that believing all will be well only results in me kidding myself?

Don't underestimate the power of positive thinking now. It needs to be applied to both your journey and the destination that awaits you.

January 4th to 6th 2022


Call to action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 16th to 17th January 2022. Exact 17th January

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

January 6th to 7th 2022


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when direct from 13th to 15th January 2022. Exact 14th January

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

January 6th to 7th 2022


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when direct from 13th to 15th January 2022. Exact 14th January

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

January 6th to 8th 2022


Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when direct from 11th to 14th January 2022. Exact 13th January

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

Friday 7th January

Prepare for a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 7th to 10th January 2022. Exact 9th January

You're about to experience a moment of clarity. Trust that you feel what you feel because, in more than one way, you're steered toward the attainment of a cherished personal goal. So, embrace the revelation. When it arrives, you'll know precisely why it is right - and what your next move must be.

Will this moment of clarity arrive suddenly?

Probably, as most do.

Has this epiphany been some time in the making?

It's likely, and that's what might make it more powerful when it arrives.

Will I experience other sudden moments of clarity?

That, too, is likely. For now, focus on the one demanding attention presently.

Also on Friday

Push aside passion

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 7th to 10th January 2022. Exact 9th January

Is there an invisible clock ticking away somewhere that makes you feel you're under unnecessary pressure? It's fair to say you have strong feelings about a situation or an individual. Powerful passions often create confusion. Do your very best to push aside passion for the time being. What's needed is clarity, and if you allow it to come, then it will. Once it does, you'll be better placed to trust a new level of understanding and act on it wisely, not hastily.

Are my strong feelings toward somebody positive or negative?

They're likely to be positive, but the passion you feel must be harnessed positively.

How long will it take for clarity to arrive?

That depends on how open-minded and receptive you are to receiving it.

If I feel I must take action hastily, then is that reflective of how passionately I feel about the step I'm taking?

Possibly. But it could have just as much to do with you rushing into action only to see if you can accelerate a particular process. This needs patience applied to it, not impetuousness.

Saturday 8th January

Important aims

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Chiron from 8th to 11th January 2022. Exact 10th January

You could be finely tuned-in to who you are, but cherished aspirations don't need to move down your priority list due to a relationship issue. You've learned to integrate ambitions and connections to make them work together previously, but finding or enhancing a bond is only one of your important aims in life. Connect with someone who gives you the necessary space to push forward in life and achieve all that you want to achieve.

What if I'm not at all interested in forming or strengthening a relationship?

You could be at risk of putting too much emphasis on particular aspirations and missing out in heartwarming encounters and experiences on offer.

What if I've been unsuccessful in finding somebody able to give me the necessary space?

Don't let the past be a guideline for your future. You could find that, with the right person, you receive the support and input you need or can benefit from.

If I did connect with somebody who understood my ambitions and gave me the space to pursue them, then is it possible we could collaborate in the future?

It's possible. But the foundations for doing so start now.

Sunday 9th January

Smile and walk away

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 9th to 12th January 2022. Exact 11th January

You have a choice. You can allow yourself to be involved in an argument, intense debate, or a challenging suggestion. Alternatively, you can also smile and walk away from any of the above. You could wonder if you dare ignore what appears such a difficult and bothersome issue. But detach yourself from the matter presenting itself now. You're not obliged to immerse yourself in it.

What if I have something helpful or valuable to contribute to this heated scenario?

Then you can choose to stay and fight. But be honest with yourself about the benefits of doing so.

Am I at risk of coming across as too confrontational or defensive?

Both are distinct possibilities.

Is this argument or heated exchange something that doesn't affect me directly?

It's possible. But if you and somebody are determined to make progress, then a discussion or an exchange needs to be had in less volatile conditions.

Friday 14th January

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 14th to 17th January 2022. Exact 16th January

Do you own a deerstalker hat, Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? You need to become a sleuth of some kind. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of the dangers of being too impulsive - or assumptive - now. Once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, expect to find yourself surprised at and possibly delighted with what you discover.

So my mission now is to replace assumptions with facts?


But how will I know if I'm dealing with facts and not something flimsy or fictitious?

Any facts you identify or establish will feel undeniably right or accurate. Just be prepared to do some digging.

So will I be the one who benefits most from this fact-finding exercise?


January 19th to 20th 2022

Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal MidHeaven

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Friday 21st January

Go solo - for now

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 24th January 2022. Exact 23rd January

Sometimes, if we want something to be done in a way we will be satisfied with, then we must undertake to do it ourselves. There is something that you ought to consider doing solo or without help or intervention from others. You could be prone to negative criticism. You might need to 'go it alone' for the time being to gain support and understanding where both might be unavailable now.

Why must I pursue whatever-it-is alone?

There could be several reasons for this. But one could surround the need for you to get to grips with what must be done before others can be involved.

So will whatever I achieve alone encourage or inspire others to support me?

That's likely. Your actions could speak louder than words.

What if others choose not to assist or support me?

Then that could be a symptom of them not understanding what you're keen to achieve or the benefits to them of involving themselves. You might need to allow a process to continue for a bit longer if that's the case.

January 23th to 25th 2022

Timely acceptance

Transiting South Node Trines your natal Chiron, REPEATED when retrograde from 24th to 27th January 2022. Exact 26th January

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into the recesses of your mind and vowed never to look at again. However, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today

If I've struggled to accept something from my past already, then why might this be easier now?

You're dealing with very different circumstances now. You might also be able to see the reward that comes from doing so.

But if I've drawn comfort from storing something unpleasant in the recesses of my mind, then isn't that wise?

It may have provided short-term relief, but it's not wise. If anything, it hampers the valuable lesson waiting to be discovered.

Can I expect my confidence to be boosted as a result of the lesson I learn or discover?

Absolutely. That's one of several benefits of confronting and accepting something from your past now.

Sunday 30th January

Time to be brave

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 30th January 2022 to 2nd February 2022. Exact 1st February

To what extent might fear of failure or rejection prevent you from attaining what – or whom – you desire? By convincing yourself that failure or rejection are assured, you're not making the brave moves you need to. It's necessary to give full concentration and focus if you are to be successful with your secret plan. The first thing to do surrounds making it a secret no longer. Be honest, at least with yourself. Then, make a heartfelt and concerted effort to reach for what (or who) you want.

But isn't it possible that my fear of failure or rejection stems from having failed or been rejected in the past?

It's possible. But that was then, and this is now.

Is it not understandable that I'm reluctant to make the brave moves I must make because of failure or rejection in the past?

It is understandable. However, you owe it to yourself to push the boundaries of a particular situation or an arrangement.

What if, by no longer keeping something a secret or under wraps, I leave myself wide open to a tidal wave of criticism or negativity from others?

They can only slow you down. Only you possess the power to stop completely.

Monday 31st January

Form a helpful bond

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Ascendant from 31st January 2022 to 3rd February 2022. Exact 2nd February

There's much to be gained from 'joining forces' with or allowing yourself to be drawn toward certain others - or one person in particular. Let your guard down briefly. You'll find there is much enjoyment to be had and delightful progress to be made from one-on-one activity, negotiating, or putting yourself in someone's shoes to understand them or a situation better in some way.

What if the idea of collaborating or joining forces with somebody doesn't appeal to me?

Allow the benefits of doing so to become clear.

What if I'm somebody who struggles to let down their guard?

Then you look set to learn a valuable lesson about the benefits of doing so.

Is it possible that, if I understand somebody better, they'll make an effort to understand me similarly?

That could happen in time. But for now, focus on the enlightenment on offer regarding someone else.

Forecast for February 2022

Tuesday 1st February

Courage brings a positive outcome

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 1st to 4th February 2022. Exact 3rd February

It is probably becoming clear that a difficult conversation needs to be had or an awkward fact needs to be faced. By taking a brave step forward, facing what needs to be faced and taking action reinforced by the belief that a positive outcome is available, you can expect to feel more confident and hopeful, very soon.

Is it possible that I have delayed having a difficult conversation or facing the awkward fact?

It's possible. But it's important that you focus now on taking that essential brave step forward.

What if my faith in a positive outcome is misplaced?

What your mind can believe, it can conceive. That's a motto worth sticking with now.

Will I know how to focus my new level of confidence and hope?

As long as you have absolute faith in the fact that you possess both, then there's little or no chance of you not applying both correctly.

February 2nd to 3rd 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Also on Wednesday

Rise to the challenge

Transiting Sun Trines your natal North Node from 2nd to 5th February 2022. Exact 4th February

Even if your life goes off on a tangent, you're creative and resourceful enough to cope with unexpected developments. You could find yourself considering your ability to go with such a flow now. However, even if what you're faced is a challenge, you might need to do more than simply roll with it. It can teach you much about yourself and what you're made of.

If my life is due to go off on a tangent in some way, then does that mean I must brace myself for something upsetting?

Not necessarily. You will probably find whatever occurs to be more of a problem if you try to resist or steer it. Relax and let the benefits of what's happening to make themselves known.

Won't I be at risk of making an issue more complicated or stressful by doing so?

Once you dip into your reserves of creativity and resourcefulness, you'll soon feel reassured of your ability to cope.

Am I likely to learn a lesson that I'll be able to apply in the future?

That is very much what this process intends to help you to do.

Also on Wednesday

Something positive

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal South Node from 2nd to 5th February 2022. Exact 4th February

See the proverbial glass as half full instead of half empty, and any circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. Make both your cosmic mission now!

What if I feel any negativity is justified?

Then you need to distinguish between cautiousness and negativity. There is a difference.

How will I identify the best ways for me to develop or grow?

You're probably aware of what you need to learn or could benefit from learning. Don't rule out the appropriateness of the old saying, 'when the pupil's ready, the teacher appears.'

Is it possible that I could help others to grow or progress similarly?

Absolutely. But focus on your own self-improvement first.

Sunday 6th February

Ignore drama and exaggeration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 6th to 9th February 2022. Exact 8th February

To prove a point, we sometimes inject drama or exaggeration to illustrate how important a particular issue or belief is to us. But refrain from going 'over the top' regarding making a particular point. Separate fact from the fantasy that is nurtured now. Then, you can make your point with clarity and not be at risk of being seen as unrealistic.

But even if I appear to be going over the top with making my point, is that not reflective of how passionately I feel about it?

Nobody denies your passion. But they probably won't appreciate having their hair parted by excessive or forceful words.

Will I have to work hard to convince others to understand or accept my point of view?

That's very likely if you force your opinion and don't balance communicating with listening. Both will be integral to helping you to be seen as realistic instead of unrealistic as well.

Will others see eventually that I'm not unrealistic and how they can benefit from what I envisage or am proposing?

Both can happen - but only if you convey yourself calmly and sensibly.

Also on Sunday

Stepping back is best

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 6th to 8th February 2022. Exact 7th February

The boundaries of your relationship with one person - or possibly a group of people - are being redefined now. This could cause you to fear that you're alienating yourself unnecessarily in some way. But a shift is occurring where your relationships with key people are concerned. Step back, let what's changing unfold in its own way and time, and this will benefit you and those you're closest to.

Does this mean my relationship with someone or others is improving?

That is what the current process intends to do. But give it time to do so.

Is it likely that some level of distance between them and me will be enforced?

It may feel that way initially. But when you connect with the benefits of distance created, then you will see how this works to your advantage.

Will I be seen as aloof or unhelpful while I remain distanced or detached?

You needn't be concerned about that. Others will likely see how a brief bit of distance has helped both of you.

February 7th to 12th 2022


Call to action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 16th to 18th February 2022. Exact 17th February

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

Tuesday 8th February

Freed from a repetitive situation

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 8th to 10th February 2022. Exact 9th February

You can break free from a tired and tedious drama. You are no longer obliged to stick what is tried and tested or very familiar. If you're willing to invest effort in releasing yourself from a repetitive situation that no longer suits you, then it can be done. It won't be long before you discover how many other, more suitable options are available to you, either.

Is this tired and tedious scenario something that has gone on for some time?

Possibly, and maybe to the point where you've grown very accustomed to it.

Did this repetitive scenario suit me at one time?

That's likely. But it could be apparent now how you've outgrown what suited you previously.

How long will it take for other suitable options to make themselves known?

Trust that the space created now is to accommodate a new and more suitable option. Allow this a reasonable timeframe to happen.

Saturday 12th February

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 12th to 15th February 2022. Exact 14th February

Something needs to be broken down and 'rebuilt' in some way. But consider how much better a situation or an arrangement will be from doing so. If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Will I invite a wave of change by doing so?

There will inevitably be change, but the process is a gradual one, and you're unlikely to struggle to adjust to it.

What if I've tried to fix what's uncertain or unstable in the past with no pleasing result?

You're dealing with different circumstances now. Don't let the past be a strict guideline for the future.

Is this more likely to involve a relationship?

It could be a relationship or your connection with a particular individual. But it could also be circumstances that you've adopted a pessimistic attitude toward.

February 14th to 16th 2022

Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

February 14th to 16th 2022

Properly armed

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

Sunday 20th February

Meeting of like minds

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 23rd February 2022. Exact 22nd February

Personal success and social accomplishments are on offer. By putting yourself in a proverbial spotlight, you will discover how much attention you attract. Transforming your personal world from a linking of 'like minds' is possible.

What if I'm somebody who doesn't enjoy being in the spotlight?

Success in a particular area relies on you making yourself known and available now. Grit your teeth and step up to the plate.

What if I believe my quest or aspiration is unique or something others wouldn't understand or connect with?

Then you could be pleasantly surprised.

Does success rely on me connecting and collaborating with someone?

Not entirely, but it will certainly help it along.

Saturday 26th February

An adventure awaits

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mars from 26th February 2022 to 1st March 2022. Exact 28th February

What's needed now is perseverance, determination, a generous helping of willpower, and, above all, insight. There's something you need to explore. There's an answer you need to find. You're encouraged to accept a challenge and invest the effort to overcome it. But have faith in the fact that you have all that you need, and your chances of success are extremely high.

How long will it take before I find an answer or overcome an issue?

That depends on how creative you are in finding a solution and how much faith underpins your efforts.

What if I give as much effort as I can and discover it's not enough?

Doing nothing isn't an option. As long as faith and integrity form part of your efforts, you'll be fine.

Is this challenge one that I will be able to rise successfully to again in the future?

It's very likely. Next time, it won't be as unfamiliar, either.

Monday 28th February

No cutting corners

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 28th February 2022 to 3rd March 2022. Exact 2nd March

There's no point in thinking you can run before you can walk. Neither is there a need to go to extremes to make a point. You don't need to give more effort to a cause, situation, or arrangement than you know is necessary. Understand the need to do something properly, slowly, and in the way it is supposed to be done. Resist any temptation to cut corners. Apply only what effort is needed, and all will be fine.

Is it possible that passion enhances my impatience?

That's very likely. But you need to try to dial back your passion!

What if I believe it's better to invest more effort than not enough in something?

Then you look set to learn a lesson about effort wastage!

What if I do discover a shortcut that helps me to achieve something more quickly?

It might appear to do so. But you can be certain you'll have to go back and retrace your steps to do something properly.

Also on Monday

The danger of making assumptions

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Uranus from 28th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

Guard against clinging to certain expectations in some way. You could make at least one huge assumption and mustn't treat anything as 'gospel' without checking a few facts first. The current climate is volatile enough without being made more complicated. Avoid, wherever possible, any temptation to jump to particular conclusions now.

But if I'm clinging to certain expectations, is that not reflective of my belief in them being achievable?

You could be clinging to expectations that aren't supported by enough facts at this time.

What if my instincts reassure me that any conclusions I'm drawing are accurate?

You could believe what you want to believe in some way now. If anything, that's the message coming from your instincts now.

How long must I wait for essential information to arrive?

That's difficult to determine. But the more you assess the accurate information you have available and refrain from taking hasty action, the easier it will be to identify the essential information when it arrives.

Forecast for March 2022

Wednesday 2nd March

Bring it into the open

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th March 2022. Exact 4th March

It's necessary to face a difficult fact. Something needs to be brought into the open and exposed – without secrecy or hidden agendas that might have been a part of it until now. Once you're able to look at an issue objectively and fairly, you'll see how much easier it is to make progress and bring considerably closer a cherished goal you've long wanted to be within reach.

What if I prefer not to face a difficult fact?

Then it's likely a cherished aspiration will remain out of reach until you do so.

If I must look at a matter objectively now, then does that mean I've seen it unrealistically until now?

Not necessarily unrealistically but perhaps in an unnecessarily complicated way.

Will I be upset by any level of deceit I discover?

Deceit may not have been involved, but you could become aware of how convenient it has been to turn a blind eye to what needs to be acknowledged.

Friday 4th March

Temporary setbacks

Transiting Sun Squares your natal North Node from 4th to 6th March 2022. Exact 5th March

You might feel as if you're held back with pushing your life forward. Although any setbacks can hold you back from making wonderful things happen in your life, they can only do so temporarily. They offer valuable lessons that can move you forward to where your heart yearns to be. With time, effort, and patience, your destination is assured. Allow that journey to commence now.

What if I feel as if the setbacks I experience aren't temporary and present longer-term problems?

Then take that as your cue to learn a valuable lesson they offer. You could find that, once learned, setbacks become more manageable or vanish altogether.

What if I'm clear in my mind about where my heart wants to be, but the destination continues to appear as a mirage or constantly out of reach?

Although you're right to focus on the destination, there is much to be learned and enjoyed from the journey. You will get through the other side stronger and wiser as a result of all you experience now.

Am I starting on a completely new journey, or is this one that I can pick up from where I left off?

You can pick up from where you left off as long as you adopt a different and more receptive mindset to the delays or hurdles you experienced. Each serves a helpful purpose.

Also on Friday

Your future beckons

Transiting Sun Squares your natal South Node from 4th to 6th March 2022. Exact 5th March

If you sense a 'one step forward, two steps backward' scenario, then that could be a sign you're carrying karmic baggage from your past - or even a past life. This could cause you to focus intently on what has gone wrong and might go wrong again that you're missing out on so many delightful opportunities in the present and unfolding in the future. Your future beckons loudly, and you must heed the call.

If I experience a frustrating scenario that could be due to carrying karmic baggage, then how do I release it?

This is done in two ways. The first involves learning a valuable lesson on offer. The second involves releasing yourself from the past.

Is it possible that, by applying focus to what went wrong previously, I can prevent something similar from happening again?

It is possible, and if you can spot a valuable lesson contained within whatever occurred previously and apply it, then you will undoubtedly benefit from doing so. But you must guard against applying too much focus to the past now.

Will I be able to spot the opportunities on offer?

Yes, as long as you don't keep looking backward and make more of an effort to look forward.

March 5th to 7th 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 27th to 28th March 2022. Exact 28th March

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Monday 7th March

Taking the initiative

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 7th to 10th March 2022. Exact 9th March

As much as you would prefer to accept rather than question a situation, if you do not already see evidence of a need to take the initiative and bring change where it is needed, then you will do soon. Turning the other cheek, avoiding confrontation wherever possible, or doing anything for a quiet and easy life are admirable traits, but they're not always practical. It's time to summon the courage to take a brave step. Put your foot down and send a clear message that you can take the initiative when you know you must.

Will the level of change I introduce be manageable?

Yes, because you're instigating it at a pace that suits you.

What if I'm somebody who avoids confrontation at any cost?

You don't need to encourage confrontation, but putting your foot down or standing your ground should you experience it could prove helpful.

By taking the initiative, will I be sending a clear message to others regarding how important I take a particular task or aspiration?

You will be doing that - and more.

Tuesday 8th March

Achieving balance gradually

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 8th to 11th March 2022. Exact 10th March

You could go to greater lengths than are necessary to create harmony and balance you crave. Move forward gradually to create the stability you need. This approach is integral to putting any past hurts or disappointments behind you that arose from trying too hard or applying excessive effort.

If I'm prepared to go to unnecessary lengths to create harmony and balance, then is that not reflective of how chaotic or volatile something is in my world?

You could have an inflated or exaggerated view of how chaotic or volatile it really is.

Is it possible that my determination to apply excessive effort is because I need an immediate result?

You might believe you need one, but an immediate result isn't necessary. A more far-reaching result will come from tackling and resolving the matter gradually.

What if I'm somebody who believes it's better to do too much of something than too little?

Then a helpful discovery could be in store regarding wastage!

Also on Tuesday

Reasons to be hopeful

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 8th to 10th March 2022. Exact 9th March

We sometimes underestimate how important it is to have faith in what we can't see. But we know how investing faith in something we can't see isn't always as easy. That's where intuition comes in.
You need to use and trust your intuition now. Be willing to be optimistic and seek the hidden, practical advantage in any development that arises, no matter how daunting it might appear.

What if I'm somebody who only invests faith in what I can see?

In the same way you don't need to see the coins that support the value of paper money, you can trust that your intuition will tell you the truth regarding something you need to see realistically.

Will the hidden, practical advantage be immediately obvious?

That depends on how willing you are to trust your inner voice.

But if something appears daunting, am I not likely to be distracted by this issue or what's potentially problematic?

Perhaps, initially. But there is a valuable opportunity concealed within it.

March 12th to 14th 2022


Call to action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 24th to 25th March 2022. Exact 25th March

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

March 14th to 16th 2022


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when direct from 21st to 23rd March 2022. Exact 23rd March

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

March 14th to 16th 2022


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when direct from 21st to 23rd March 2022. Exact 23rd March

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

Also on Monday

Remain on the sidelines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 14th to 17th March 2022. Exact 16th March

Avoid a tendency to believe you know what's best for others. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate. But consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them. You could gain much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

What if I have a reasonably accurate track record with knowing what's right for others?

You could have a somewhat inflated idea about others' needs now.

Is it possible I could offer support or insights that others need?

It's possible, but it's also essential that you give others space to do what they believe suits them at this time.

Will stepping back or keeping distance be done temporarily, or must it be permanent?

It's a temporary measure that others will find useful, and you will likely find enlightening.

March 15th to 16th 2022


Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when direct from 20th to 22nd March 2022. Exact 22nd March

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

Thursday 31st March

Inspiration is all you require

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Venus from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

What do most people believe would make them happy or happier? More money? A more satisfying love life? The process you're experiencing now intends to bring considerably more comfort to your world. This also includes some good, old-fashioned luck, too. Have faith in your ability to do 'what's right' - and this includes being in the right place at the right time! Expect soon, to turn a precarious situation into a pleasing one.

Does more 'comfort' mean more money?

It might. Don't pin your hopes on a lottery win, but you could find that a solution presents itself to a money-related matter.

Will luck find me, or must I look for it?

When luck is on your side and the way it is now, it will find you as long as your faith and effort levels remain consistent.

Will the solution I apply be temporary or permanent?

It may be temporary. But should you find yourself in similar circumstances in the future, you'll know exactly how to take the right step.

Forecast for April 2022

Friday 1st April

Power of attraction

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 1st to 4th April 2022. Exact 3rd April

To make progress in an area of your world, you don't need to apply harsh or aggressive tactics. Simply be yourself. Treat those you want to be closer to you in ways you would want to be treated, and you could be surprised at how easily it is to win friends or influence certain people.

Is it possible that others see my passionate approach as harsh or aggressive?

That could be the case. It would be helpful to be honest with yourself to confirm if you are applying any over-the-top energy.

Is there a chance I might appear phony or insincere to anybody?

That's probably unlikely, but others could sense that a barrier exists to connect with 'the real you.'

But if I reveal 'the real me' to others, will they do the same with me?

It will be up to them to drop their personal barrier, but the authenticity you project or convey will help them to do so.

Saturday 2nd April

A precious gift

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Sun from 2nd to 5th April 2022. Exact 4th April

You're presented with a gift, but this is unlikely to take the form of something in wrapping paper bound with ribbon. In fact, it's likely you won't see what you're presented with as a gift at all and could be inclined to see it as an obstacle, setback, or something unwanted. But look closely at an important lesson made available to you or what – or whom – you're encouraged to move on from. Embrace understanding, clarity, and appreciation of what and who truly matters in life coming your way now.

Should I prime myself for disappointment with this obstacle or setback?

You can if you choose to. But a more effective use of your time would be to focus on the important lesson it contains.

Will whatever or whoever I'm encouraged to move on from be a painful or upsetting experience?

It's possible you'll see it that way initially. But once clarity arrives, you'll be in no doubt about how you benefit from this release.

Is it possible I could see certain situations or people in a new light?

That's bound to be one of the many benefits to what you experience now.

Sunday 3rd April

Goal planning

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal North Node from 3rd to 6th April 2022. Exact 5th April

You could feel more relaxed about the direction your life is heading and have faith in the fact that any detours will take you to where you want and need to be eventually. However, you could be aware of how some level of complacency has set in. Remind yourself how thrilling it would be to achieve one specific goal.

Would it be sensible for me to 'go with the flow' rather than stick to any plan I've created?

By all means, stick to your plan. But do be aware of how disrupted it could become at times.

What if I don't believe I've become complacent but am making the most of a 'comfortable situation'?

You can remain in your comfortable situation for as long as you wish. But you delay the success and thrill attached to achieving a particular goal by doing so.

What if my goal is a fantasy rather than something attainable or achievable?

Then you would be wise to make the most of the support you have available to you now to turn a tangible vision into something real. It can happen.

Also on Sunday

Personal growth

Transiting Sun Trines your natal South Node from 3rd to 6th April 2022. Exact 5th April

See how the proverbial glass is half full instead of half empty, and any circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. Make both your cosmic mission now!

What if I feel any negativity is justified?

Then you need to distinguish between cautiousness and negativity. There is a difference.

How will I identify the best ways for me to develop or grow?

You're probably aware of what you need to learn or could benefit from learning. Don't rule out the appropriateness of the old saying, 'when the pupil's ready, the teacher appears.'

Is it possible that I could help others to grow or progress similarly?

Absolutely. But focus on your own self-improvement first.

April 4th to 6th 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 29th to 30th April 2022. Exact 30th April

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Saturday 9th April

Clarity is coming

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 9th to 11th April 2022. Exact 10th April

Coming developments will do much to please you. You're about to discover what you believed to be complex is more straightforward than you thought. Clarity, in one form or another, is coming. Give it a chance to arrive. When it does, you'll find yourself blessed with the energy you'll need to make happen what your heart dearly wants to happen.

Has something become less complex because I see it in a new way, or is this due to a change in circumstances?

It's more likely because you see it in a new way, or more objectively.

Will coming developments feel like the final pieces of a jigsaw falling into place?

Yes, that analogy is very accurate!

Is it fair to say I'm about to receive the equivalent of 'a green light' with an idea or a plan?

That is an accurate description of what's unfolding or about to occur.

April 12th to 13th 2022


Call to action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 26th to 27th April 2022. Exact 27th April

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

April 13th to 15th 2022


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when direct from 25th to 26th April 2022. Exact 26th April

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

April 13th to 15th 2022


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when direct from 25th to 26th April 2022. Exact 26th April

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

April 14th to 15th 2022


Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

Thursday 21st April

Make yourself known

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 24th April 2022. Exact 23rd April

Expand your social networks. Make clear to yourself or one or two others how ambitious you are or to break free from a restrictive situation where you feel misunderstood or taken for granted. Make yourself known, or what you can offer outside of a sphere you're comfortable with. If you're willing to make an effort, then you'll be delighted to discover how supportive and willing others are to explore further what you can offer.

What if I'm somebody who prefers not to be sociable?

Then you could miss out on superb opportunities to collaborate with others.

Is it up to me to make an effort to form these connections?

Not necessarily. But it is up to you to take the initiative to make yourself known in order for the forming of connections to be possible.

Is it possible I possess a talent or skill that has been underused?

That is very likely. That's also why you must seize your opportunity to make others aware of what you can do or contribute.

Thursday 28th April

Harnessing power

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 28th April 2022 to 1st May 2022. Exact 30th April

Trust that the energy available to you now is extremely positive and is intended to help. You have, at your disposal, the ability to repair much of what needs repairing as far as relationships, situations, and arrangements are concerned. The more constructively you use the power and influence available to you now, the more of both you will discover you have available to you.

How will I know if I focus my energy positively or constructively?

You're likely to find that bringing pleasing or reassuring results requires considerably less effort than you're used to investing. That will probably be the first clue that you're applying it helpfully.

But if I am to improve my connection or relationship with others, then shouldn't they meet me halfway where the effort required to do so is concerned?

That can happen. But it could be the undeniable passion that you bring to whatever you apply energy to that encourages anyone to meet you halfway.

Am I at risk of applying too much energy if I have such an abundance or a seemingly infinite supply available to me?

There's no doubt that applying your energy will require restraint or self-discipline. But there will be something reassuring about discovering how you can take strides instead of steps where you want to take them.

Friday 29th April

Worth celebrating

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 29th April 2022 to 2nd May 2022. Exact 1st May

You could be increasingly aware of how you may have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt able to accept. It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also essential that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

But if I rejected something or someone in the past, then presumably, it was for a good reason?

It may have been appropriate or valid in the past, but current circumstances make it worth revisiting.

If I've reached a turning point of some kind, then does that mean this process has been ongoing for some time?

That's very likely.

Will I emerge victorious from a discussion or an exchange?

'Victorious' is unlikely to be the right word, but you will emerge feeling as if progress has been made or a solid foundation has been put in place.

Saturday 30th April

Trusting instincts

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 30th April 2022 to 3rd May 2022. Exact 2nd May

Trust your deepest instinct in the absence of factual information. Take at face value to a point what you see or are encouraged to accept is real. Progress will be made if you're willing to trust what you tell yourself. Do that, and then pursue the decision that needs to be made with all your heart.

What if I've trusted my instincts in the past where a lack of factual information was concerned and regretted doing so?

Then it's possible you allowed your head to have too loud a voice.

I seem to be encouraged to trust more what I feel than what I see - is this wise?

Your eyes will often deceive you. That's why you mustn't trust them implicitly now. Your heart will always tell you the truth. Trust that.

How will I know if I'm setting off in the right direction?

Whatever feels right, is right. As long as your actions are underpinned with honesty and plenty of faith, you can trust you're setting off in the right direction.

Forecast for May 2022

Monday 2nd May

More enticing

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 5th May 2022. Exact 4th May

Consider how, due to ways you project yourself to others - or a particular person - you could push away someone you ought to be closer with. Does appearance mean less to you than it once did, and might you be seen in a self-defeating way? Give thought to new ways to present yourself more enticingly. It might be time for an inspiring upgrade.

But what if I'm comfortable with the way I project or convey myself?

That's fine - but be aware of how you might create distance from others or someone in particular by doing so.

Does this mean I care less about my appearance?

Not necessarily, but it might appear that way.

Am I supposed to reinvent how I appear to others?

It's worth considering, but not in a way that's intended to appease others. If you introduce a change that feels right to you in the first instance, then you could find others connect with and admire it too.

Also on Monday

Time to take control

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th May 2022. Exact 4th May

Are you in control of a particular outcome, or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'? Have faith in the fact that you possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible. It is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you.

What if all I see is a situation that isn't in any way flexible?

You may have convinced yourself that's the case. Try looking a bit more closely and with a bit more faith.

If I haven't overcome this fear previously, then might there be a good reason for that?

Yes - probably because you've been afraid to take the step to do so.

How is it I'm able to gain control of this situation now whereas I couldn't previously?

You probably could previously. But you are supported now to take a step that you feel you're able to take that you couldn't in the past.

Saturday 7th May

Letting go creates space

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Moon from 7th to 10th May 2022. Exact 9th May

You're under considerable pressure to show strength, be the 'fixer,' the winner, or the judge. Do you really want all of that? Is it not fair to say that all you truly want is to be happy, comfortable, and calm? You can achieve all three provided you're willing to let go of what you feel obliged to retain or regain control of.

Is this pressure something I've created for myself, or does it come from others?

It could be a combination of both. But you're not obliged to shoulder it all.

But if I'm determined to retain or regain control of something, then does that mean I see it as a source of happiness or comfort?

You probably do see it that way. But it is unlikely to provide as much happiness or comfort as what is trying to enter your world can - if you make space for it.

Will I be seen as selfish if I apply a new level of focus to what makes me happy or comfortable?

It's possible but don't be concerned about that. You owe it to yourself to focus on two crucial needs in your world.

Sunday 8th May

Important aims

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Chiron from 8th to 11th May 2022. Exact 10th May

You could be finely tuned-in to who you are, but cherished aspirations don't need to move down your priority list due to a relationship issue. You've learned to integrate ambitions and connections to make them work together previously, but finding or enhancing a bond is only one of your important aims in life. Connect with someone who gives you the necessary space to push forward in life and achieve all that you want to achieve.

What if I'm not at all interested in forming or strengthening a relationship?

You could be at risk of putting too much emphasis on particular aspirations and missing out in heartwarming encounters and experiences on offer.

What if I've been unsuccessful in finding somebody able to give me the necessary space?

Don't let the past be a guideline for your future. You could find that, with the right person, you receive the support and input you need or can benefit from.

If I did connect with somebody who understood my ambitions and gave me the space to pursue them, then is it possible we could collaborate in the future?

It's possible. But the foundations for doing so start now.

Also on Sunday

Ignore negativity

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Neptune from 8th to 11th May 2022. Exact 10th May

The voice of negativity is now drowning out the voice of inner wisdom. If you want to make progress in an area of your world, then ignore negativity and take serious notice of the positive words of encouragement your inner wisdom offers. You know what plan of action is wrong and what plan of action is right. That's all you need to know.

What if I'm mistaking logic for negativity?

Your instincts will help you to make the distinction.

Will it be easy to identify or connect with the positive words of encouragement?

You shouldn't struggle to do both. Listen closely to what offers a message of hope and inspiration.

What if the right plan of action still feels confusing or uncertain in some way?

That needn't be a problem. As long as you focus on what you know feels right, then you will be pursuing the right option or path.

May 9th to 11th 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 29th to 30th May 2022. Exact 30th May

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

May 14th to 16th 2022


Call to action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 25th to 26th May 2022. Exact 26th May

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

Sunday 15th May

Cannot and will not be hurried

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th May 2022. Exact 16th May

What is it that you wish would 'hurry up' or manifest? Ask yourself why you feel so impatient or possibly lack confidence. You're better prepared for what's unfolding in an area of your world than you perhaps believe yourself to be. Let what's happening to continue to progress, and you'll soon see how ideal it is for you.

Does that mean there is a connection between my lack of confidence and impatience?

That's a distinct possibility. You could want a result to manifest immediately because it will help you to feel more confident, which may not be the case.

Is what I'm dealing with now a situation I've not experienced previously?

That's difficult to say. But if you can recall any time that you adopted an inflated or exaggerated attitude or approach to something and resolved it by seeing it objectively, then that's a lesson to apply now.

How long will it take before I see how ideal something in my current circumstances is?

The more that faith underpins your efforts, the sooner that revelation will arise.

May 17th to 18th 2022


Applying past knowledge

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node, REPEATED when direct from 24th to 25th May 2022. Exact 25th May

You could feel a need to cast your mind to the past. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes based on past experience. Absorb these lessons, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be.

How will I know if I spot these clues accurately?

Your intuition won't fail you in that respect. What you see or detect will be strong enough to capture your interest.

But am I at risk of putting too much emphasis on the past?

Look backward long enough to learn or draw upon the necessary experience. That's all that's needed.

What if the most helpful and influential clues and lessons are so subtle that I don't spot them?

That probably won't pose a problem. Be receptive to all the conscious and subconscious data coming your way. Your intuition will help you to separate what's helpful now from what could be applied later.

May 17th to 18th 2022


Properly armed

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node, REPEATED when direct from 24th to 25th May 2022. Exact 25th May

You might be aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. But try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' and not a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to something in your world forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

But if I see similarities between what has occurred in the past and what's occurring now, then shouldn't I make the comparison?

You're dealing with different circumstances this time. There will be similarities but don't overlook the experience-based wisdom you possess now that you didn't have previously.

Will I be able to identify and draw upon some lessons but fail to connect with others?

That's unlikely to be the case if you remain open-minded and positive. The lessons will reveal themselves as when you need them.

Even if I'm moving something forward, does that mean I'll be pleased with the progress I make?

As long as you accept that something must move forward gradually, then you will likely feel reassured that you're making pleasing progress.

May 18th to 19th 2022


Enhanced visions

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when direct from 24th to 25th May 2022. Exact 25th May

You're encouraged to see the important role someone in your world can play with you achieving your most cherished ambitions. This also helps you see each other more clearly and positively. You see the best of each other and enhance your own visions of yourselves as well.

Although I can see how somebody can help me to achieve my ambitions, is it fair to say I can help them to achieve theirs?

That can certainly happen.

Am I forming a new opinion of this person?

That's likely to be the case. And they do the same with you. But you see each other in a new, realistic light.

Am I able to draw upon and apply their positive qualities?

Absolutely. Allow them to do the same with you, too.

Sunday 29th May

Calm after the storm

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 29th May 2022 to 1st June 2022. Exact 31st May

A storm is undoubtedly brewing, but it's one that you're prepared for. You needn't be concerned about its strength or any likelihood of being blown off course. Expect, once the proverbial skies clear, to see how safer and stronger you are. You're about to see reasons why you don't have to be everywhere at once or go to great lengths to please or placate those who demand you should.
The one person who deserves effort you're prepared to give to please them is you.

Does this mean I have a wave of uncomfortable change about to enter my world?

Change is coming, but it needn't be uncomfortable if you draw upon the way you knew it was coming!

Is it fair to say I'm about to focus more on my needs - but might I appear selfish?

Your needs are about to be given a necessary level of attention, but the truth is, you're not selfish by doing so.

Am I encouraging others to think or fend for themselves in some way?

That definitely forms part of the process. The other part involves you addressing needs that may have been overlooked for some time.

Tuesday 31st May

Necessary pressure

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 31st May 2022 to 3rd June 2022. Exact 2nd June

You're clearly under pressure in some way to take action or make a decision. But you must be pressured in the way you are because otherwise you won't make the decision or move you need to make. You have a difficult dispute to solve or a complicated story to unravel. But trust that the opportunity presented to you now is very real.

But am I at risk of making a wrong decision due to feeling pressured?

This kind of pressure can be helpful if you don't make any decisions or act hastily.

So is it fair to say that once I unravel a mystery, an opportunity will be seen clearly?

That's very likely.

Will I know how to seize this opportunity once it becomes clear?

Much depends on what you reveal or discover with your 'detective work.' That will provide you with essential information to take a necessary and timely step forward.

Also on Tuesday

Push comes to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 31st May 2022 to 2nd June 2022. Exact 1st June

Somewhere, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' You can wait and see what happens when these two collide. But it's important to see the signs, 'smell the coffee,' or and read writing on the proverbial wall. You can alleviate potential stress by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur. You can do it, and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you are.

So it's fair to say this isn't a time to simply 'go with the flow' then?

No. It's time to take the initiative in a way that will reassure and potentially delight you.

Will I regret doing nothing?

That's likely, especially if it becomes clear that you held influence you didn't apply to what's occurring.

Is it fair that I should do this alone, or should I request help?

You're capable of doing what needs to be done without assistance. This will reassure you and possibly others of how influential you can be when you take the initiative.

Forecast for June 2022

Wednesday 1st June

Time to be brave

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 1st to 4th June 2022. Exact 3rd June

To what extent might fear of failure or rejection prevent you from attaining what – or whom – you desire? By convincing yourself that failure or rejection are assured, you're not making the brave moves you need to. It's necessary to give full concentration and focus if you are to be successful with your secret plan. The first thing to do surrounds making it a secret no longer. Be honest, at least with yourself. Then, make a heartfelt and concerted effort to reach for what (or who) you want.

But isn't it possible that my fear of failure or rejection stems from having failed or been rejected in the past?

It's possible. But that was then, and this is now.

Is it not understandable that I'm reluctant to make the brave moves I must make because of failure or rejection in the past?

It is understandable. However, you owe it to yourself to push the boundaries of a particular situation or an arrangement.

What if, by no longer keeping something a secret or under wraps, I leave myself wide open to a tidal wave of criticism or negativity from others?

They can only slow you down. Only you possess the power to stop completely.

Thursday 2nd June

Turning heads

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 5th June 2022. Exact 4th June

If you're not already aware of how engaging and attractive your personality is becoming, then you will do shortly. You're blessed with confidence mixed with strong powers of attraction in other ways, and these could include outgoingness and an enviable sense of light-heartedness. Be yourself and allow the real you to shine confidently. You're turning heads for all of the right reasons!

Is there a particular quality that I emit now that others will find especially attractive?

They're likely several qualities you admit that could be alluring. You could possess a certain level of intensity, creativity, leadership qualities, and light-heartedness. Put all these together, and you're irresistible!

But if I'm encouraged to be myself, does that mean I've been phony or insincere until now?

No. But you can be certain that the new level of authenticity you emit won't go unnoticed.

Is it only in a romantic or relationship capacity that others might find me attractive?

How you choose to apply your powers of attraction is up to you.

Also on Thursday

Storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th June 2022. Exact 4th June

An annoying point of conflict is likely making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored. You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

Does the fact that this matter demands attention mean I'm not taking it seriously enough?

Although you might take the matter seriously, there could also be an inclination on your part to conceal it or sweep it under the carpet. Both may have been options recently, but they aren't options now.

But if it's a serious matter, then shouldn't I give it my full attention?

A closer examination could reveal that it's not as serious as it appears to be. The amount of attention you give needs to be in proportion to its seriousness.

Does this mean I see something in an exaggerated or inflated way?

That is likely.

Friday 3rd June

Courage brings a positive outcome

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 3rd to 6th June 2022. Exact 5th June

It is probably becoming clear that a difficult conversation needs to be had or an awkward fact needs to be faced. By taking a brave step forward, facing what needs to be faced and taking action reinforced by the belief that a positive outcome is available, you can expect to feel more confident and hopeful, very soon.

Is it possible that I have delayed having a difficult conversation or facing the awkward fact?

It's possible. But it's important that you focus now on taking that essential brave step forward.

What if my faith in a positive outcome is misplaced?

What your mind can believe, it can conceive. That's a motto worth sticking with now.

Will I know how to focus my new level of confidence and hope?

As long as you have absolute faith in the fact that you possess both, then there's little or no chance of you not applying both correctly.

Saturday 4th June

Too strict

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal North Node from 4th to 7th June 2022. Exact 6th June

You understand the importance of moving forward into the future meant for you. But you could also be aware of what or who holds you back from achieving your potential. Don't be too could be strict about whatever or whoever you believe acts as a ball and chain to progress.

Is it possible that something or someone has held me back for a considerable time?

That's difficult to say, but the fact that you're aware of someone or something holding you back means it may have some history.

Am I at risk of regretting releasing something or someone?

You are if you adopt an attitude or an approach that's too heavy-handed or thoughtless.

But if I get it right, will the ball and chain that I release myself from help me to take strides instead of steps?

You've summed it up perfectly.

Also on Saturday

Destinies in tandem

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal South Node from 4th to 7th June 2022. Exact 6th June

You know where your life is heading, and that's something to be appreciated. However, you might have a tiny hurdle to overcome if you're determined to follow your life's direction, and someone wants you to head in a direction they have in mind. This is a time to stick with your commitment to yourself - and your destiny. Either someone will follow your example and release pressure on you to do things their way, or you'll find a way to blend their goals with yours.

So, what gives somebody the right to believe they can dictate what direction my life should head in?

They believe they have your best interests at heart. They mean well.

It sounds as if they're not going to make much progress convincing me to listen to them - should I ignore them?

Don't ignore them completely. They do have a nugget of insight that you can benefit from.

Is it fair to say we will collaborate in some way?

That is a possibility. You have heightened ambitiousness on both sides that can be harnessed effectively.

Wednesday 8th June

Don't kid yourself

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Chiron from 8th to 11th June 2022. Exact 10th June

You may need to address a belief that any commitment should be short-lived because it offers a cleaner break when it ends. This attitude might have been formed due to painful or upsetting episodes that occurred in the past. However, don't kid yourself by believing you're immune to the joy that comes from assessing new ways to make long-term commitments or relationships work.

What if I derive comfort from keeping commitments at a particular depth?

As comfortable as that may be, it prevents you from experiencing something more stable or profound by dropping that barrier.

But if I allow commitments to go beyond a certain depth, then am I setting myself up for something upsetting or painful?

Try not to focus so intently on the past being a guideline for the future. You have experience-based wisdom to draw upon now that you didn't have previously.

Will I find anyone receptive to my efforts to deepen a connection?

Perhaps not immediately, but a consistent, heartfelt effort will bring results.

Friday 10th June

Freed from a repetitive situation

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 10th to 13th June 2022. Exact 12th June

You can break free from a tired and tedious drama. You are no longer obliged to stick what is tried and tested or very familiar. If you're willing to invest effort in releasing yourself from a repetitive situation that no longer suits you, then it can be done. It won't be long before you discover how many other, more suitable options are available to you, either.

Is this tired and tedious scenario something that has gone on for some time?

Possibly, and maybe to the point where you've grown very accustomed to it.

Did this repetitive scenario suit me at one time?

That's likely. But it could be apparent now how you've outgrown what suited you previously.

How long will it take for other suitable options to make themselves known?

Trust that the space created now is to accommodate a new and more suitable option. Allow this a reasonable timeframe to happen.

June 11th to 13th 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 26th to 27th June 2022. Exact 27th June

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

June 18th to 22nd 2022

Call to action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

What if the psychological barriers I've created have helped protect me from painful or upsetting events from my past?

These have provided brief comfort. But you are likely to discover that they have always been temporary. Real comfort can come from facing what needs to be faced.

Will the process of being pushed to face any upsetting events be painful?

It may be briefly. But the reward that comes from doing so will outweigh any brief discomfort.

Why is tension necessary in this process?

Because without it, you might not summon the courage or determination to take the step that's needed.

Thursday 23th June

Meeting of like minds

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 26th June 2022. Exact 24th June

Personal success and social accomplishments are on offer. By putting yourself in a proverbial spotlight, you will discover how much attention you attract. Transforming your personal world from a linking of 'like minds' is possible.

What if I'm somebody who doesn't enjoy being in the spotlight?

Success in a particular area relies on you making yourself known and available now. Grit your teeth and step up to the plate.

What if I believe my quest or aspiration is unique or something others wouldn't understand or connect with?

Then you could be pleasantly surprised.

Does success rely on me connecting and collaborating with someone?

Not entirely, but it will certainly help it along.

Thursday 30th June

Flexible and spontaneous

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th June 2022 to 2nd July 2022. Exact 1st July

Don't view a change to an arrangement or situation you believed to be unchangeable as a setback or potential problem. See it instead as a gift. An important goal is within reach. Have faith in the fact that you're helped to achieve it, but the journey might have one or two pit stops along the way that you hadn't or couldn't have accounted for. The more willing you are to be spontaneous and flexible, the more you'll enjoy this particular ride.

What if I'm not able to see something inflexible or a setback in a positive light?

On the face of it, it might be difficult to do. But once you're aware of how it helps you to stop and take stock of a situation, then you will find it helpful.

Does this mean I haven't planned something properly?

No, it means that life throws the occasional curveball that can actually be helpful at times instead of seen as problematic.

By being spontaneous and flexible, am I at risk of leaving myself open for a disappointing development?

No. You're putting yourself in an advantageous position by viewing current circumstances with a very open and receptive mind.

Forecast for July 2022

July 1st to 3rd 2022

Timely acceptance

Transiting South Node Trines your natal Chiron, REPEATED when retrograde from 9th to 11th July 2022. Exact 10th July and again when direct from 29th to 30th July 2022. Exact 30th July

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into the recesses of your mind and vowed never to look at again. However, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today

If I've struggled to accept something from my past already, then why might this be easier now?

You're dealing with very different circumstances now. You might also be able to see the reward that comes from doing so.

But if I've drawn comfort from storing something unpleasant in the recesses of my mind, then isn't that wise?

It may have provided short-term relief, but it's not wise. If anything, it hampers the valuable lesson waiting to be discovered.

Can I expect my confidence to be boosted as a result of the lesson I learn or discover?

Absolutely. That's one of several benefits of confronting and accepting something from your past now.

Also on Friday

A turning point

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

You could be increasingly aware of how you may have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt able to accept. It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also essential that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

But if I rejected something or someone in the past, then presumably, it was for a good reason?

It may have been appropriate or valid in the past, but current circumstances make it worth revisiting.

If I've reached a turning point of some kind, then does that mean this process has been ongoing for some time?

That's very likely.

Will I emerge victorious from a discussion or an exchange?

Victorious is unlikely to be the right word, but you will emerge feeling as if progress has been made or a solid foundation has been put in place.

Also on Friday

From chaos stability will come

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

Some people thrive on chaos. It spurs them on to make impressive achievements. Other people avoid chaos wherever possible. They need structured and predictable environments. You want something to be more efficient, stable, and structured but are probably painfully aware of all that seems chaotic or unpredictable. Expect soon to enjoy a more stable and less volatile situation.

Is all that's chaotic or unpredictable due to a change I instigated?

That's difficult to say. But it appears as if you're dealing with two of the main symptoms of change.

Will stability be the result of my actions or happen naturally?

You'll probably find that circumstances calm down to the point where you can control or manage them effectively.

Will I be able to put in place some level of structure to prevent chaos from happening in the future?

There's a valuable lesson within what's occurring now to help you to do precisely that.

Saturday 2nd July

Time brings improvement

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 2nd to 5th July 2022. Exact 4th July

There is something or someone you feel attracted to, intrigued by, and excited about. Banishing this thought could be futile. However, you can afford to wait until you're in a better position to make a move. Have faith in the fact that a situation will improve naturally over time. Have even more faith in the fact that, soon, you can expect proof of how desired by at least one person you are.

But if something or someone has captured my imagination, then shouldn't I strike now rather than later?

A bit of patience or restraint applied now will be something you'll be grateful for later.

But is it not in my best interest to try and steer this situation to a desired outcome rather than leave it alone to do so?

You are part of this process. There are other aspects involved within it. Do your bit by not reacting hastily.

How long will it take before I see how desired I am by others or someone in particular?

That depends on how much patience you can summon and faith you can master toward the fact that the universe has your back at this time.

Monday 4th July

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th July 2022. Exact 6th July

Are you in control of a particular outcome, or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'? Have faith in the fact that you possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible. It is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you.

What if all I see is a situation that isn't in any way flexible?

You may have convinced yourself that's the case. Try looking a bit more closely and with a bit more faith.

If I haven't overcome this fear previously, then might there be a good reason for that?

Yes - probably because you've been afraid to take the step to do so.

How is it I'm able to gain control of this situation now whereas I couldn't previously?

You probably could previously. But you are supported now to take a step that you feel you're able to take that you couldn't in the past.

Also on Monday

Assume all will be well

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 4th to 7th July 2022. Exact 6th July

Fear, trepidation, or a confidence crisis could cause you to miss a wonderful opportunity presenting itself. Don't convince yourself that, by paying close attention to what you believe could go wrong, you're protecting yourself. Assume all will be well, act as if all will be well, and you will discover, to your delight, that all will be well.

Is it possible that I'm dealing with a case of 'once bitten, twice shy'?

It is possible, but you could focus too intently on what occurred previously and make that too much of a benchmark for your future.

By applying focus to what occurred, am I not eliminating any chance of it happening again?

There's bound to be a valuable lesson contained within a past episode. But the more you continue to look backward, the more you not only miss opportunities available in the present but those that form part of a much bigger, inspiring picture.

What if I discover that believing all will be well only results in me kidding myself?

Don't underestimate the power of positive thinking now. It needs to be applied to both your journey and the destination that awaits you.

Saturday 9th July

Taking the initiative

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 9th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

As much as you would prefer to accept rather than question a situation, if you do not already see evidence of a need to take the initiative and bring change where it is needed, then you will do soon. Turning the other cheek, avoiding confrontation wherever possible, or doing anything for a quiet and easy life are admirable traits, but they're not always practical. It's time to summon the courage to take a brave step. Put your foot down and send a clear message that you can take the initiative when you know you must.

Will the level of change I introduce be manageable?

Yes, because you're instigating it at a pace that suits you.

What if I'm somebody who avoids confrontation at any cost?

You don't need to encourage confrontation, but putting your foot down or standing your ground should you experience it could prove helpful.

By taking the initiative, will I be sending a clear message to others regarding how important I take a particular task or aspiration?

You will be doing that - and more.

Also on Saturday

Reasons to be hopeful

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 9th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

We sometimes underestimate how important it is to have faith in what we can't see. But we know how investing faith in something we can't see isn't always as easy. That's where intuition comes in.
You need to use and trust your intuition now. Be willing to be optimistic and seek the hidden, practical advantage in any development that arises, no matter how daunting it might appear.

What if I'm somebody who only invests faith in what I can see?

In the same way you don't need to see the coins that support the value of paper money, you can trust that your intuition will tell you the truth regarding something you need to see realistically.

Will the hidden, practical advantage be immediately obvious?

That depends on how willing you are to trust your inner voice.

But if something appears daunting, am I not likely to be distracted by this issue or what's potentially problematic?

Perhaps, initially. But there is a valuable opportunity concealed within it.

Sunday 10th July

Love you've dreamed of

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Chiron from 10th to 13th July 2022. Exact 12th July

You could adopt more of an open mind to relationships and commitments. You know someone deserves your love, and hopefully, you're with such a person. If so, then you could feel willing to cross a line of commitment that you've chosen to remain behind. If you're single, then you deserve to be fussy about who you choose to give your heart to!

Is there a reason why I may have had less of an open mind toward relationships and commitments until now?

This could be due to experiencing something painful or upsetting in the past that has formed your opinion.

But if I'm willing to go to a new depth of commitment, does that mean someone will be willing to do the same?

That may not be apparent instantly. If you sent out an unambiguous message until now that there is a line you're not prepared to go beyond, then you may have to work hard briefly to reassure others or someone in particular that the line no longer applies.

Is there a reason why I'm adopting a new level of receptiveness toward forming or strengthening a connection?

It's possible that the comfort zone you created for yourself isn't as appropriate now as it has been in the past. You deserve to be more open-minded and experimental where connecting with others is concerned. Allow yourself to be drawn to any unexplored relationship territory.

July 10th to 30th 2022


Embrace what's unfamiliar

Transiting North Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

It's by venturing into new territory that you can see for yourself how adept you are at handling unfamiliar situations or scenarios. Of course, you'll have to step outside of a comfort zone for this to happen. This may have been created to protect you from something upsetting or painful from your past. However, to experience something deeply satisfying, be willing to take one, brave step that makes you a tiny bit uncomfortable.

What if I'm somebody who feels uneasy about venturing into new territory?

You're encouraged to remove yourself for a very good - and timely - reason.

But if this comfort zone exists because it protects me from something painful from my past, then do I have something unpleasant coming my way?

That's unlikely. What you experience is probably going to be more revealing and reassuring.

How is it that something painful or upsetting is now a source of comfort or reassuring?

Because you're older, wiser, and stronger. You're able to learn from whatever occurred previously now in ways you couldn't before.

Monday 11th July

Smile and walk away

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th July 2022. Exact 13th July

You have a choice. You can allow yourself to be involved in an argument, intense debate, or a challenging suggestion. Alternatively, you can also smile and walk away from any of the above. You could wonder if you dare ignore what appears such a difficult and bothersome issue. But detach yourself from the matter presenting itself now. You're not obliged to immerse yourself in it.

What if I have something helpful or valuable to contribute to this heated scenario?

Then you can choose to stay and fight. But be honest with yourself about the benefits of doing so.

Am I at risk of coming across as too confrontational or defensive?

Both are distinct possibilities.

Is this argument or heated exchange something that doesn't affect me directly?

It's possible. But if you and somebody are determined to make progress, then a discussion or an exchange needs to be had in less volatile conditions.

Saturday 16th July

Remain on the sidelines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 16th to 19th July 2022. Exact 18th July

Avoid a tendency to believe you know what's best for others. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate. But consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them. You could gain much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

What if I have a reasonably accurate track record with knowing what's right for others?

You could have a somewhat inflated idea about others' needs now.

Is it possible I could offer support or insights that others need?

It's possible, but it's also essential that you give others space to do what they believe suits them at this time.

Will stepping back or keeping distance be done temporarily, or must it be permanent?

It's a temporary measure that others will find useful, and you will likely find enlightening.

July 17th to 18th 2022


Re-creating success

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when direct from 22nd to 24th July 2022. Exact 23rd July

You have a defined set of goals and ambitions for your life. Your aspirations feel tangible because there might be something comfortably familiar about them, perhaps as if you've pursued them successfully before. Perhaps, that's the case as you may be re-creating success achieved in a previous life and are armed with considerably more knowledge and experience this time around!

Will the fact that I'm dealing with different circumstances this time around present problems?

Not if you draw upon the innate wisdom you possess. What worked previously could work again.

But will any failures I encountered arise again?

It's possible, but they won't arise in the same way. You have more wisdom and experience to apply this time than you had previously.

Is it possible that what I experience now could play a part in a similar situation in a future life?

It is possible. The lessons you learn from this experience could come in handy in the future.

Sunday 24th July

Go solo - for now

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th July 2022. Exact 26th July

Sometimes, if we want something to be done in a way we will be satisfied with, then we must undertake to do it ourselves. There is something that you ought to consider doing solo or without help or intervention from others. You could be prone to negative criticism. You might need to 'go it alone' for the time being to gain support and understanding where both might be unavailable now.

Why must I pursue whatever-it-is alone?

There could be several reasons for this. But one could surround the need for you to get to grips with what must be done before others can be involved.

So will whatever I achieve alone encourage or inspire others to support me?

That's likely. Your actions could speak louder than words.

What if others choose not to assist or support me?

Then that could be a symptom of them not understanding what you're keen to achieve or the benefits to them of involving themselves. You might need to allow a process to continue for a bit longer if that's the case.

Forecast for August 2022

August 1st to 3rd 2022

Appreciating professional pursuits

Transiting South Node Squares your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when retrograde from 6th to 8th August 2022. Exact 8th August and again when direct from 30th to 31st August 2022. Exact 31st August

You're keen to promote and create a specific and well-crafted image of yourself, and this might confuse or be met with little support from someone you hoped would be more understanding. Some kind of agreement is necessary, but reaching one won't be easy, especially if negative feelings have arisen as a result of your different aims in life. But it's not impossible to reach a compromise that works for both of you.

Will I feel deflated that somebody doesn't support me in a way I hoped they would?

You may feel deflated briefly but look instead at how it encourages you to reach a new level of understanding.

Is it a case of one of us being right and the other being wrong about our respective aims in life?

There is no right or wrong answer in this scenario. Use any tension or negativity to reach a compromise on offer.

But is it possible that somebody could have a point about what I should be doing to pursue my aim in life?

It is possible they could provide insights that you will find helpful.

Wednesday 3rd August

Welcome boost

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 3rd to 6th August 2022. Exact 5th August

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful to receive, but not when the recipient isn't interested in empty gestures. What you want is someone to be more consistently sweeter toward you. You want love you can depend on, and, fortunately, you're closer to attaining that than you might think. And as for your bank balance? It, too, looks set to receive a welcome boost!

Is somebody likely to see me as ungrateful or unappreciative?

That depends on how you respond to them. Concealing your disappointment at the lack of depth attached to the way they connect with you doesn't help either of you.

Will they experience a moment of clarity regarding my needs, or will I put them in the picture?

A welcome change could involve a combination of both.

Is there a connection between my love life and bank balance?

That's unlikely to be the case, but you have tremendous support bringing an abundance of energy and activity into both areas at this time.

Thursday 4th August

Attracting confidence

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

Confidence can be very attractive. It is the confidence you show now that could be your most attractive asset, but it needs to be used responsibly. Guard against coming across too strong or bullying. Progress can be made by attracting certain others in specific ways. If you appear assured, then you can trust that you will be sending out very much the right kind of signal.

Am I at risk of being too confident?

Yes, there is a difference between self-assurance and forcefulness.

Why will any vibe of assurance I emit attract others?

It could have something to do with the stability and calmness you have applied in your world that others want to connect with.

Is it possible I could detect a similar signal in others?

It is possible, and keeping your mind open and positive is the way to do so.

Friday 5th August

Minor becomes significant

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 5th to 8th August 2022. Exact 7th August

Power and control you have yearned for are making their way to you. Before you can receive both properly, you need to accept what it is you have on offer: an opportunity. You can turn something seemingly minor into something very significant. When you see evidence of this, you can expect a noticeable boost to your confidence and optimism.

So I must focus the power and control in a specific way?

Yes, but you probably won't struggle to identify the opportunity that begs for both.

Am I at risk of not seeing the opportunity within what appears minor or insignificant?

You're likely to be aware of a nugget of inspiration that can transform into something offering massive potential.

With my confidence and optimism boosted, should I keep this momentum going?

You would be crazy not to!

Saturday 6th August

Goal planning

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal North Node from 6th to 8th August 2022. Exact 7th August

You could feel more relaxed about the direction your life is heading and have faith in the fact that any detours will take you to where you want and need to be eventually. However, you could be aware of how some level of complacency has set in. Remind yourself how thrilling it would be to achieve one specific goal.

Would it be sensible for me to 'go with the flow' rather than stick to any plan I've created?

By all means, stick to your plan. But do be aware of how disrupted it could become at times.

What if I don't believe I've become complacent but am making the most of a 'comfortable situation'?

You can remain in your comfortable situation for as long as you wish. But you delay the success and thrill attached to achieving a particular goal by doing so.

What if my goal is a fantasy rather than something attainable or achievable?

Then you would be wise to make the most of the support you have available to you now to turn a tangible vision into something real. It can happen.

Also on Saturday

Personal growth

Transiting Sun Trines your natal South Node from 6th to 8th August 2022. Exact 7th August

See how the proverbial glass is half full instead of half empty, and any circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. Make both your cosmic mission now!

What if I feel any negativity is justified?

Then you need to distinguish between cautiousness and negativity. There is a difference.

How will I identify the best ways for me to develop or grow?

You're probably aware of what you need to learn or could benefit from learning. Don't rule out the appropriateness of the old saying, 'when the pupil's ready, the teacher appears.'

Is it possible that I could help others to grow or progress similarly?

Absolutely. But focus on your own self-improvement first.

Tuesday 9th August

Stepping back is best

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 9th to 12th August 2022. Exact 11th August

The boundaries of your relationship with one person - or possibly a group of people - are being redefined now. This could cause you to fear that you're alienating yourself unnecessarily in some way. But a shift is occurring where your relationships with key people are concerned. Step back, let what's changing unfold in its own way and time, and this will benefit you and those you're closest to.

Does this mean my relationship with someone or others is improving?

That is what the current process intends to do. But give it time to do so.

Is it likely that some level of distance between them and me will be enforced?

It may feel that way initially. But when you connect with the benefits of distance created, then you will see how this works to your advantage.

Will I be seen as aloof or unhelpful while I remain distanced or detached?

You needn't be concerned about that. Others will likely see how a brief bit of distance has helped both of you.

Wednesday 10th August

Ignore drama and exaggeration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 10th to 13th August 2022. Exact 12th August

To prove a point, we sometimes inject drama or exaggeration to illustrate how important a particular issue or belief is to us. But refrain from going 'over the top' regarding making a particular point. Separate fact from the fantasy that is nurtured now. Then, you can make your point with clarity and not be at risk of being seen as unrealistic.

But even if I appear to be going over the top with making my point, is that not reflective of how passionately I feel about it?

Nobody denies your passion. But they probably won't appreciate having their hair parted by excessive or forceful words.

Will I have to work hard to convince others to understand or accept my point of view?

That's very likely if you force your opinion and don't balance communicating with listening. Both will be integral to helping you to be seen as realistic instead of unrealistic as well.

Will others see eventually that I'm not unrealistic and how they can benefit from what I envisage or am proposing?

Both can happen - but only if you convey yourself calmly and sensibly.

Thursday 11th August

Confidence brings support

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th August 2022. Exact 13th August

Why do you feel answerable to so many people? Why do these people seem incapable of sharing your view, position, or plan at face value? Why isn't something as obvious to others as it is to you? So, assert yourself and be less conciliatory. The time has come for you not to give in so easily or be quite as willing to placate certain others – or someone in particular.

That sounds like bossiness - what if I'm not inclined to be abrupt or assertive?

It's possible to stand your ground or put your foot down without being bolshy or confrontational. What matters is, you make your stance or position clear to at least one person.

And behaving in such a way will encourage others to react positively?

As long as you get the balance right between confidence and assertiveness, then you're likely to find they will.

Do I need to get a bit angry to help anyone see what I see in a situation?

Anger needn't play any part in discussions or exchanges. It will serve only to increase others' defensiveness. What they will admire and respect is your passion, but it needs to be applied sensitively.

August 13th to 15th 2022


Timely acceptance

Transiting South Node Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron, REPEATED when direct from 28th to 29th August 2022. Exact 29th August

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into the recesses of your mind and vowed never to look at again. However, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today

If I've struggled to accept something from my past already, then why might this be easier now?

You're dealing with very different circumstances now. You might also be able to see the reward that comes from doing so.

But if I've drawn comfort from storing something unpleasant in the recesses of my mind, then isn't that wise?

It may have provided short-term relief, but it's not wise. If anything, it hampers the valuable lesson waiting to be discovered.

Can I expect my confidence to be boosted as a result of the lesson I learn or discover?

Absolutely. That's one of several benefits of confronting and accepting something from your past now.

Wednesday 17th August

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th August 2022. Exact 19th August

Something needs to be broken down and 'rebuilt' in some way. But consider how much better a situation or an arrangement will be from doing so. If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Will I invite a wave of change by doing so?

There will inevitably be change, but the process is a gradual one, and you're unlikely to struggle to adjust to it.

What if I've tried to fix what's uncertain or unstable in the past with no pleasing result?

You're dealing with different circumstances now. Don't let the past be a strict guideline for the future.

Is this more likely to involve a relationship?

It could be a relationship or your connection with a particular individual. But it could also be circumstances that you've adopted a pessimistic attitude toward.

Wednesday 24th August

No shrinking violets

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th August 2022. Exact 26th August

You're well placed to receive praise and recognition, and this can spur you on to want to achieve more. If you're willing to back up words with action, then some form of personal success is assured.
This is a time to make clear to certain others - or one person in particular - what you truly want. Don't be a shrinking violet. Aim high, and you'll be delighted with the responses you receive.

Has any praise or recognition coming my way been a long time in the making?

That's difficult to say. But be assured that your intelligence has played a part in receiving either or both.

If I must back up words with action, then does that mean others don't have faith in what I say?

That's unlikely to be the case, but your results will likely speak for themselves.

If something is important to me, then why must I convey this to others?

Making others aware of an ambitious plan could help to bring the support you may need at some point, but it also encourages you to 'put your money where your mouth is.'

Wednesday 31st August

Enthusiasm can become frustration

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mars from 31st August 2022 to 3rd September 2022. Exact 2nd September

Guard against enthusiasm turning to frustration if you encounter an obstacle or an individual who chooses not to be as supportive of you in some way as you wish or believe they ought to be. As confident as and certain you are of about something or someone be realistic. You could find yourself in a potentially wonderful position to compromise and reach an agreement or find common ground.

Will my frustration at a certain person stem from having tried to gain their support already?

That could be the case. But you might also wonder why you must explain your reasons for wanting or needing them on board.

Will a compromise mean I must downsize certain ambitions or expectations?

Not necessarily. But should that be the case, then you will likely see how you're in a more advantageous position than you were.

If I and someone find common ground, then is it possible this could form the foundation of a plan to embark upon together in the future?

That is a very distinct and likely possibility.

Forecast Until 8th September 2022

September 2nd to 4th 2022

Cherished independence

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal Ascendant

You probably have a clear and comfortable idea about how you present yourself to the world and want others to see you. However, much of what you do is done to further your own needs, and this doesn't necessarily mean you do so selfishly. But consider what you're missing out on by keeping others at arm's length.

Even if I don't believe I'm selfish by furthering my own needs, is it possible I could be seen as selfish by others?

That could be the case if you insist upon creating distance between you. The closer they are to you both physically and emotionally, the more understanding and supportive they'll be.

What if I believe that being close to others is more distractive than helpful?

You could underestimate the value of the input, support, and assistance you'd receive from others if you appeared more receptive to each.

But is it possible that others might benefit from connecting more strongly with me as well?

It's very likely. You and they could create a helpful 'quid pro quo' scenario.

Also on Friday

Full attention and concentration

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th September 2022. Exact 4th September

You're about to accomplish something impressive, significant, and meaningful but can hardly expect a peaceful, quiet time doing so. There's something you must do, or somewhere you need to be, and whatever-it-is requires your full attention and concentration. What appears serious does have, fortunately, something within it that can make you smile. You can discover this and succeed admirably with what needs attention now.

Does that mean achieving something impressive, significant, and meaningful will be stressful or unpleasant?

It's likely to be more challenging than stressful or unpleasant.

It sounds as if I'll be under considerable pressure - what if I don't take kindly to pressure?

If you can make an effort to see what you're dealing with in the right perspective, then you shouldn't find pressure poses too much of a problem.

What if I can't spot anything amusing, funny or hilarious in what's unfolding now?

You're unlikely to laugh out loud at whatever you're dealing with now, but that doesn't mean you can't see what's mildly amusing or light-hearted about it. You needn't take it as seriously as it demands you do.

Also on Friday

See the funny side

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 2nd to 4th September 2022. Exact 3rd September

You're about to find a reason to laugh or at least smile at something within all that seems too serious and challenging. Steer clear as best you can of others' opinions on a certain matter. Aim to identify truth within a situation. Above all, see what's amusing within the chaos. Despite seemingly impossible situations, ludicrous challenges, and ridiculous dramas, there is a reason to smile. Your ability to do this will help you to see exactly what you need to do.

What if I'm somebody who struggles to see what's amusing in what's obviously unamusing?

It all comes down to perspective. That's something you're encouraged to alter.

Is it possible that somebody's opinion could prove helpful?

It's possible. But you'll need to emerge through to the other side of complications and confusion that come from receiving others' input.

Will I have to look deeply to discover whatever it is that gives me a reason to smile?

In truth, you're only one small attitude adjustment away from discovering it.

Sunday 4th September

Inner strength

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th September 2022. Exact 6th September

Are you feeling particularly sensitive now? Vulnerable? Emotionally volatile? If the answer to any or all of these is 'yes,' then that's good news. If you're willing to push aside fear, guilt, or any tendency to feel panic-stricken or needy, then you'll soon hear, very clearly, the message coming from deep within yourself. You're about to gain inner strength where you need it.

But what if I tend to equate sensitivity, vulnerability, or emotional volatility with something unpleasant?

Try to see how each is a symptom of change and is shifting something in your world in a necessary way.

But if negative feelings are emerging, then might that be for a good reason?

Negative feelings are only helpful if they are brief and push you in a necessary direction. That's what's happening now.

Is the inner strength I'm about to gain something new, or has it always existed?

You've always possessed it. But it might be the first time it emerges now.

Tuesday 6th September

Temporary setbacks

Transiting Sun Squares your natal North Node from 6th to 9th September 2022. Exact 7th September

You might feel as if you're held back with pushing your life forward. Although any setbacks can hold you back from making wonderful things happen in your life, they can only do so temporarily. They offer valuable lessons that can move you forward to where your heart yearns to be. With time, effort, and patience, your destination is assured. Allow that journey to commence now.

What if I feel as if the setbacks I experience aren't temporary and present longer-term problems?

Then take that as your cue to learn a valuable lesson they offer. You could find that, once learned, setbacks become more manageable or vanish altogether.

What if I'm clear in my mind about where my heart wants to be, but the destination continues to appear as a mirage or constantly out of reach?

Although you're right to focus on the destination, there is much to be learned and enjoyed from the journey. You will get through the other side stronger and wiser as a result of all you experience now.

Am I starting on a completely new journey, or is this one that I can pick up from where I left off?

You can pick up from where you left off as long as you adopt a different and more receptive mindset to the delays or hurdles you experienced. Each serves a helpful purpose.

Also on Tuesday

Your future beckons

Transiting Sun Squares your natal South Node from 6th to 9th September 2022. Exact 7th September

If you sense a 'one step forward, two steps backward' scenario, then that could be a sign you're carrying karmic baggage from your past - or even a past life. This could cause you to focus intently on what has gone wrong and might go wrong again that you're missing out on so many delightful opportunities in the present and unfolding in the future. Your future beckons loudly, and you must heed the call.

If I experience a frustrating scenario that could be due to carrying karmic baggage, then how do I release it?

This is done in two ways. The first involves learning a valuable lesson on offer. The second involves releasing yourself from the past.

Is it possible that, by applying focus to what went wrong previously, I can prevent something similar from happening again?

It is possible, and if you can spot a valuable lesson contained within whatever occurred previously and apply it, then you will undoubtedly benefit from doing so. But you must guard against applying too much focus to the past now.

Will I be able to spot the opportunities on offer?

Yes, as long as you don't keep looking backward and make more of an effort to look forward.

Robert's Planetary Positions

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, New York, United States 40°42'N, 74°00'W

All times based on current location of New York, United States


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Conjuncts Venus
Sun Quincunx Pluto
Sun Trines Ascendant
Sun Sextiles North Node
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Trines Uranus
Moon Opposes Neptune
Moon Trines Pluto
Moon Squares Ascendant
Moon Sextiles Chiron
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Quincunx Neptune
Mercury Trines Ascendant
Mercury Semisextile Chiron
Venus Conjuncts Sun
Venus Semisquare Jupiter
Venus Semisextile Saturn
Venus Quincunx Uranus
Venus Quincunx Pluto
Venus Trines Ascendant
Venus Sextiles North Node
Mars Opposes Saturn
Mars Conjuncts Uranus
Mars Conjuncts Pluto
Mars Trines MidHeaven
Mars Squares North Node
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Semisquare Venus
Jupiter Opposes Neptune
Saturn Semisextile Venus
Saturn Opposes Mars
Saturn Opposes Uranus
Saturn Trines Neptune
Saturn Opposes Pluto
Saturn Quincunx Ascendant
Saturn Squares North Node
Saturn Conjuncts Chiron
Uranus Trines Moon
Uranus Quincunx Venus
Uranus Conjuncts Mars
Uranus Opposes Saturn
Uranus Conjuncts Pluto
Uranus Trines MidHeaven
Uranus Squares North Node
Neptune Opposes Moon
Neptune Quincunx Mercury
Neptune Opposes Jupiter
Neptune Trines Saturn
Neptune Squares Ascendant
Neptune Trines Chiron
Pluto Quincunx Sun
Pluto Trines Moon
Pluto Quincunx Venus
Pluto Conjuncts Mars
Pluto Opposes Saturn
Pluto Conjuncts Uranus
Pluto Semisextile Ascendant
Pluto Squares North Node
Pluto Opposes Chiron
Ascendant Trines Sun
Ascendant Squares Moon
Ascendant Trines Venus
Ascendant Quincunx Saturn
Ascendant Squares Neptune
Ascendant Semisextile Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles North Node
MidHeaven Semisquare Chiron
North Node Sextiles Sun
North Node Sextiles Venus
North Node Squares Mars
North Node Squares Saturn
North Node Squares Uranus
North Node Squares Pluto
North Node Sextiles Ascendant
North Node Squares Chiron
Chiron Sextiles Moon
Chiron Semisextile Mercury
Chiron Trines Neptune
Chiron Opposes Pluto
Chiron Semisquare MidHeaven
Chiron Squares North Node